Au by lunacat1902 (prompt)

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alltake #alltake

Takemichi likes to collect dolls of all sorts, mostly male dolls. He cleans, sews clothes for them and talks to them as if they were real people. Of course as a collector, Michi knows he might pick up a doll that's little bit special.

He picked up eight.

The dolls, yes dolls, came in a group, given to him by the previous owner who just gave him the dolls and ran away.

The man's behavior gave it away but Michi didn't mind, he loves to collect them regardless of what they are or what history they have.

He treasured these dolls and even named them. It's as if he knew what names to give them the moment he had his hands on them.

There was Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou, Koko, Takeomi and Mochi.

As soon as he got those dolls, strange things have been happening in his house. Each of the dolls exhibiting strange behaviors repeatedly but Takemichi tried to overlook them.

Mikey and Sanzu always followed him wherever he went. If Michi placed them in the sofa, he'd get the shock of his life finding them on the dinner table where he was working on his laptop.

Michi would wake up to Mikey by his side or cuddled on his chest. At first he freaked out, but as time went on he got used to it. Besides, he likes the feeling of having someone by his side when sleeping.

Sooner or later, he just knows the others would sleep with him as well.

Then there was Ran and Rindou who would always be in the kitchen surrounded by the candies and chocolates Michi carefully hid. No matter how hard he tried to hide the sweets, those two manaces seemed to find them.

Kakucho was the calmest out of all of them and tried not give Michi a heart attack and hee ppreciated the flowers Kakucho placed on his desk.

He would find Koko in his bag with his wallet open or on his bed with Michi's money piled up. He would find Takeomi with cigarettes and that was the weirdest thing because how the hell Omi managed to buy cigarettes?!

Mochi was always the one who would turn on the tv late at night or at random times during the day.

Creepy as they may be, Michi didn't have a choice, these dolls were now a part of his life.

But he couldn't deny that they made his house livelier than it was before and it almost felt like it was turning into a home.

Takemichi just hoped they won't do anything that might be stranger or stupid and get them into trouble.

He stood corrected. Takemichi just jinxed himself. Never ever hope when you are in a house with haunted dolls. That's the basic rule of every haunting.

It was one night where someone stupid decided to break in his house and tried to steal something. That something was his dolls. Takemichi wasn't a violent person per say, but nobody and I mean nobody touches his dolls.

He tried to beat the intruder with a bat but the guy managed to sock him on the face which led to Michi falling onto the floor. He was dizzy and tried to stand but the guy pushed him down.

Michi thrashed under the man's grip and tried to escape, but the man had the upper hand. He grabbed hold of Michi's neck and choked him.

Michi clawed the guy's hands but the guy was stronger than him. He could feel his breath shortening.

Michi closed his eyes as tears streamed from them, ready to accept his fate.

Then the man stopped and screamed. He let go of Michi's neck and held a hand to side. Michu coughed and tried to breathe properly.

He then looked at the man and didn't know at which he would be most shocked at.

The man bleeding from his side or his dolls, his Bonten, alive and standing in front of him.

He took note that Sanzu was holding a bloody knife with a manic grin on his face.

Huh, this was real. He wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. His dolls really are alive.


Michi looked to where someone called his name and found Mikey in front of him, caressing Michi's cheek with his small hand.

How strange that they were warm.


"It's going to be alright. We'll handle everything from here. Don't worry. We won't let him touch you any more."

At Mikey's words, Michi let himself relax and watch as his dolls torture the man. They sure are enjoying themselves.

He let himself smile and giggle. Yeah, his life may be strange and worrisome, but atleast he has some 'people' who have his back. Who would come alive just to protect him.

Michi didn't regret ever having them in his life.

Maybe one day, he'd not only have his Bonten dolls, but other special ones as well.


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