"3 years ago"

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I was bored to go home

I decided to invite this random guy in my inbox to meet him in person

I don't know him much. He is my college friend's best friend

He's been messaging me for 3 years

Randomly checking on me, once a month, once every two months

He was kind, he was calm and funny

I enjoyed talking to him for some times

But I have no intention of knowing him more

I never gave him much attention

He's just like a stranger and a friend at the same time

I invited him since he's the one I'm talking with at that time

He agreed.

He sounds excited.

When I got to our meeting place, my phone battery died

I tried to wait a little more, but no one came

I decided to go home

I charged my phone

Took a shower

And checked my DMs

He's been messaging me

He waited.

I feel guilty, so I rescheduled it even if I don't have any intention to

Tomorrow night? He asked

I agreed.

Exactly this day 3 years ago

I decided to come to our meeting place late

Just to get even to him being late last night


When I got there,

I saw him standing in front of Mcdonald's

A tall man in a white hoodie, black shorts, and white basketball shoes

Looking so sporty with his sports bag and basketball in his hands

I had never been attracted to anyone like this before

Like, I never experienced a "Crush at first sight"

Usually, it took me hours of conversation to like a person

I was so attracted that my steps went a little faster

I smiled at him and said "Dito na ko"

He smiled back, and that's when I realized that I've never known myself

With just a smile, he made me feel something I never felt before

It's just a smile, yet it's enough to make my feelings confused

How could a night at McDonald's be this enchanting?

I mean,

How could you make this all? I never thought it would turn out like this

It's been 3 years

Our son is turning 2

And you can still make me feel how I felt that night

How could that even be possible?

How could your love be possible?

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