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Hey! Is there anyone here who is in the process of Waiting like me.

I ask you something what did you do while waiting to your answer prayers?

Are you just relax...Ok Lord I will wait!!!! I will just sit down and wait....Its that your way of Waiting?

Or while your waiting..you are bored and lost hope because you say...Lord how many years do i need to wait!!!! you just start Questioning God!

In our Season of Waiting to our answered Prayers its not just to enough to sit down until your bored and lost hope.

In our Season of Waiting we need to Stand up and Do what God wants us to do!

Psalms 27:14

What Should We do while waiting? You know i dont know what your waiting, Waiting for the Lord to Send you a man or a woman or anything else that keep you waiting..I just dont know..But while we wait...here

1. Wait on the Lord

Sometimes we just ask the Lord why it is so tagal Lord? Hiw many years should i wait? Until you start making your way...Until it fails because you do it in your own way!

Let the Lord make a way cause when the Lord says Yes of course its Good for us but when the Lord says no its no because its not for us and when the Lord says wait...We should wait because He knows best.

2. Be of good Courage
When the Lord says wait...Yes Lord I will wait even how long it takes...its because we are brave enough to wait because We trust him.

If you are praying for a man or a woman there's a Saying " Its better to wait long than to Marry Wrong" Its that right? Yes! exactly.

That's why if you're reading this...What ever you are praying to God and He says wait....Be courageous to wait that it will never be yours.

While we Wait
3. The Lord will strengthen our hearts
He will strengthen our hearts so that we don't lose our hope.

I hope this book help someone!!! Thank you😍

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