George laughed and accepted the candy. "Thanks, but I don't like the yellow ones."

"It's green..." Drista sat back in her seat.

"Oh..." George fed Dream the candy instead. "Here honey, I know you like swallowing kids."

Sapnap nearly choked on his candy, as Karl pat him on the back.

"Be careful! Don't choke!" Karl said while still slapping his back. Thankfully the joke went over Drista's head.


Hours later they arrived in their new sanctuary. They could barely see the 'Welcome To Snow Chester' sign as they drove through. Only a few scattered street lights lit up the darkness.

They arrived at the hotel they were supposed to stay at. They had a room booked for a week, but they might need to stay longer. The parking lot was pretty full. Many LGBT+ people were using this location as a safe place. The discount was what brought people in. Dream had to dip into his savings for this, but the discount definitely helped.

Dream found a parking spot and parked the car for the night. "We're here... everyone still alive?" He looked back, everyone was asleep. Dream pressed down on the horn to wake them up quickly.

Everyone walked into the building groggily. When they got to their room, everyone grumbled.

"So I have to share a room with you losers?" Drista rubbed her eyes. There was two beds and a coach.

"Yes, you can have the couch. Me and George in one bed, Sapnap and Karl in the other." Dream had it planned.

" all sandwich together in one bed, I take the other bed." Drista suggested.

"No, absolutely not-" Dream protested.


The first night was rough, as the four men were cramped together. Drista however slept peacefully in her spacey bed.

"Dream, take your hand off my ass." George mumbled while trying to get comfortable.

"That's not my hand..." Dream responded sleepily.

"Sorry, thought you were Karl!" Sapnap apologized quickly.

"Shut up and go to sleep guys." Karl yawned and leaned into Sapnap.

"Careful you don't hurt your boo boo." Sapnap talked to Karl like he was a baby.

"I won't honeybun. Goodnight Sappy, love you." Karl returned the mooshy talk.

"I love you too, Karl baby." Sapnap closed his eyes.

"Sapnap, you're still touching my ass." George complained and moved away.

"No, that was me." Dream spoke up.

They broke out into a fit of laughter, waking Drista up from their obnoxious laughing.

"Shut the hell up!" Drista shouted from the other side of the room. She wanted to get some sleep, it had been a long painful day.

"Sorry!" They each apologized before calming their laughter. Finally, they all fell asleep. They might of been going through a traumatic event, but at least they could still laugh. It was best to keep looking on the bright side. They all got to take a sort of vacation together.


The next morning only Dream and George were left in the bed. Dream rolled over and bumped into his husband. He propped himself up and nuzzled into his neck. "Morning Georgie."

George groaned and moved away. "Sleepy, go away."

Dream yawned as he sat up. He looked around the room. Karl and Sapnap were on the couch cuddling quietly, and Drista was on the small balcony.

"Morning, you sleep good?" Dream asked the lovebirds on the couch.

"Wasn't too bad after we got settled..." Sapnap said in return while soothing Karl with gentle shoulder rubs.

"Is he okay?" Dream stretched to help himself wake up.

"I'm okay, just really sore." Karl answered for himself.

"I called the hospital, he will see a doctor in two days. That's pretty quick considering we aren't registered patients here." Sapnap was eager to get Karl back to a doctor. To make sure everything was healing properly.

"Oh wow, that is good timing." Dream agreed. "I need to call for George, his stitches have to come out as soon as possible."

Sapnap looked at George who was still sleeping. "Yeah definitely, Wouldn't want him to get an infection or something."

Drista came back in from the balcony and shivered. "It's freezing outside, but it looks so pretty."

Dream smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'm glad you like the views." His phone started ringing from the nightstand, he picked it up. He recognized the number. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, Dream. So Techno mentioned to me that you went to Snow Chester. Sorry for this random call, I just wanted to ask how you are."

"Everything is decent so far, but we haven't been here long at all. How are you and Tubbo?" Dream had no complaints yet, maybe just about the sleeping arrangements. However, that wasn't the town's fault.

"Oh we're hanging in here. I got a second job at the post office. Delivering packages and stuff. It doesn't pay well, but I hope it helps at the end of the day. We actually were thinking about going to Snow Chester too. Tubbo saw an ad and he thinks it'll be a great opportunity." Ranboo would do anything to keep his platonic soulmate happy.

"Well I'll let you know if anything bad happens. I'm sure this place is very kind and accepting." Dream would of offered them some money if he had some to spare. Although, he had his own people to take care of.

"Thanks man, keep me updated when you can. Do you know if there's a psychiatric clinic?" Ranboo asked causally.

"I have no idea. They have a hospital, but that's all I know. Why? Is it finally time to emit Tubbo?" He joked insensitively.

"Heh, very funny. Tubbo has therapy he's supposed to keep up with. I don't want to take him to a safe place, just to have him break." Ranboo clearly took Tubbo's well-being seriously.

"I'll find out for you...hope he's doing well. I should go now, have a good day." Dream felt uncomfortable now knowing his joke wasn't funny to Ranboo.

"Alrighty, thank you." Ranboo hung up after being thankful.

Dream put his phone down and started shaking George. "Come on sleepyhead. Get up, me and you can go drive around. We need to find food places unless everyone wants to starve."

George rubbed his eyes and curled up. "I'll starve."

Dream leaned down and kissed him on the lips. "What's wrong? Get up baby."

"I think I'm disassociating..." George whispered.

Dream sat up and carefully put the blankets back over him properly. "Okay... Sapnap can you go look for places to get food? I can watch Karl if he doesn't want to go."

Karl looked at Sapnap. "I'll be okay here, you go ahead."

Ring Around My Heart (DreamNotFound +) CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin