Epilogue: Memories of the Past

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A few hours had past and the crew had settled in to Clive's house. They were all in the courtyard, doing their own things. Emmy and Luke finally had their Martial Arts match that they wanted so badly from when they first met each other again, Flora was watching the two of them fight with her hands on her chest and a slight smile on her face, Dimitri and Clive were working on some new devices and gadgets on the edge of the courtyard at a massive and long table. Don Paolo had come back and managed to find Layton. The Professor and Don Paolo sat on some chairs near Emmy, Luke and Flora, sipping tea and also watching their fight.

"You ready Luke?" Emmy asked whilst stretching.

"I'm ready alright!" Luke responded whilst bunny hopping side to side.

"Good." Emmy began as she stopped stretching and held her fists ready. "Then let's go!"

The two of them moved towards each other and started circling each other until Luke charged at Emmy with his fists. Emmy dodged two blows from Luke but got hit by a third one on the shoulder, getting hurt a bit. Flora started looking concerned and stopped smiling. She gasped slightly and held one hand over her mouth, covering it.

"Oh dear. That looked like it hurt. I hope she's okay." She thought.

Luke realised he hit Emmy and lowered his guard.

"Are you okay Emmy?" Luke asked as he approached her.

Emmy took advantage of Luke lowering his guard and roundhouse kicked him hard which sent him flying to the ground.

"No! Luke!" Flora cried.

"Rule Number 1: Never let your guard down in front of your enemy Luke." Emmy chuckled.

Flora ran over to help Luke up but Emmy was one step ahead of her. Layton and Don Paolo watched them both rush over to help Luke.

"Hahaha, that girl, Flora." Don Paolo laughed. "She seems to really care about everyone doesn't she Layton?"

"Indeed she does!" Layton responded whilst sipping his tea. "Though I don't blame her. She's been growing up in a society with violence all around her, even here in London."

Emmy had helped Luke back to his feet and Flora searched him for any injuries with a worried look on her face.

"She believes that all the violence in the world will one day stop."

"Does she really think such a thing is possible?" Don Paolo leaned forward on his chair.

"Perhaps. Though I personally don't believe it ever will disappear. But, I'm not one to crush her dreams. That's not what a gentleman does."

Don Paolo shuddered at the sound of gentleman but also remembered he was trying to be one himself towards Flora.

"Everyone's got a dream haven't they?" Don Paolo asked sarcastically.

Layton chuckled.

Dimitri noticed the Professor and Don Paolo sitting together and told Clive something. He then proceeded to approach the two of them.

"My my, what's going on here?" Dimitri chuckled. "You two are not planning something without me are you?"

Layton and Don Paolo turned their heads back towards Dimitri who was leaning against their chairs.

"No Dimitri." Layton smiled. "I would never do such a thing. What happened with your project or whatever it was you were working on? And did you manage to find your scientists?"

"Ah, well you see, all the main steps for it are done. I just asked Clive if he could add some secondary steps and also test the gadgets. And yes I did. I managed to bring them back to London about an hour ago actually. How did you know about that?"

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