Chapter 9: The Curious Village of St. Mystere

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"So let me get this straight." Clive began. "Flora is a Reinhold? One of the richest families in all of Britain?" Clive all of a sudden felt a lot more regret for kidnapping Flora than he did when they met again after 7 years.

"Yes. And there's no doubt Cyrus wants to go to Flora's home village and steal her family's fortune."

"But, aren't there guards there to protect it?"

"That's what you would think but since St. Mystere is not on any map...let's just say her village isn't a normal one."

"What do you mean by that?" Dimitri asked looking in the front mirror of the car at Luke.

"One of her father's best friends, Bruno, he built the entire village himself. And the people that live there. He had them protect Flora until she was old enough to move out of the village or if someone could solve the mystery there."

"So, the people in this village are robots then?" Dimitri asked again.

"Exactly!" Luke exclaimed. "Originally, those robots were programmed to self destruct when her family's fortune was touched and Flora, knowing this, decided to leave the fortune where it was and let the village live on with their own lives as a thank you for everything they did for her."

"Awww how sweet." Emmy complimented with her hands interlocking each other next to her face.

"If Cyrus is to grab that gold, all the villagers there will self destruct. Which is why we need to stop him. For Flora's sake. If they find out Bruno is the only human living there, they might torture him and force him to give up the gold."

"Bruno. Please be safe. We're coming for you." Flora thought whilst looking out the window to the sky.

"Dimitri, how long until we're at Gressenheller?"

"We're near our house now." Dimitri sped down a road and turned onto the road Clive's house was on and stopped right in front of it. "Alright Clive, here are they keys." Dimitri tossed Clive the keys to his car. "Get it up and running and meet us at Gressenheller. I trust you know where that is?"

"Yes I do. You don't need to worry Dimitri. I'll bring the car there." Clive got out of the car and started to run inside to grab something.

"Good. And be quick! Targent could still be in London."

"Of course!"

Dimitri sped off with the remaining crew towards Gressenheller. They managed to get there in about 5 minutes since Dimitri's car was really fast. They all got out of the car.

"Alright Luke. We'll wait out here. Go in and get what you need."

"Understood." Luke started to run towards the main doors of the University when Flora ran after him.

"Wait, Luke! Let me go too!"

"Huh?" Luke turned back to see Flora running after him with a slightly scared expression. "Flora? Why?"

"Because I want to see the University too! And also I'd rather go with you then stay in the car."

Luke couldn't say anything about that. After all, he made a promise to Flora that he'd always be by her side.

"Alright fine. But we're not here for long."

"Okay. As long as I can come along I'm happy. But we still need to hurry because he's going to destroy my village."

The two rushed inside the University and up the the third floor towards the Professor's Office.

"Don't worry! As soon as we grab what we need, we're going to your hometown."

Professor Layton and the Conspicuous OrganisationМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя