Chapter 13: The Battle for the Fate of London

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"We'll save him Flora. But we need a plan to do so. Calm down dear!" Layton shouted.

Flora stopped resisting and watched as Cyrus walked away with Luke, laughing. A loud rumble was heard before Layton and everyone followed him out to notice a giant metallic machine emerging out of the ground. It looked way more fierce than the Detragiant.

"Crikey! How do you intend we stop this thing Hershel?" Dimitri asked.

"I'm working on it!"

"You'd best hurry up Layton. Otherwise London will be destroyed." Don Paolo mentioned.

Cyrus controlled one of the four legs on his Octagiant and tried to crush them all. Layton and everyone quickly dodged it. Dimitri had an idea to slow him down.

"Hershel! My shield! I don't know how much force it can take from this thing but it is very strong. It should be able to slow him down and block his leg and maybe arm attacks."

"But if he destroys it, you'll die!"

"That's okay with me. I've wanted to die ever since I couldn't help save Claire. And you know that." Dimitri looked to the floor whilst he pulled out his shield.

Layton gasped slightly.

"Dimitri, don't say such nonsense!"

"I'm sorry Hershel. But if there's a chance it will slow him down, even a little bit, I must take it." Dimitri extended his shield. "Finish thinking of your plan and get on with it!"

"Thank you, Dimitri. And I will." Layton smiled at Dimitri.

Dimitri ran towards the Octagiant and held his shield out, extended as much as it would go.


Cyrus was irritated.

"Get out of my way depressed scientist! Or I'll kill you first!" He hissed.

"Make me!" Dimitri mocked.

Cyrus growled. He used one of his Octagiant's arms to smash Dimitri's shield but it didn't smash, nor did it crack. All it did was push Dimitri back slightly.

Cyrus sent another arm at Dimitri but still had no effect on his shield. Cyrus then tried to send multiple arms at Dimitri, one from the front and one from the side. Dimitri blocked the front one and managed to roll out of the way before the side one hit him.

Layton crouched behind cover with everyone else deciding a plan to stop Cyrus, save Luke and destroy his machine. Descole peeked over the top of the half wall they hid behind and growled at Cyrus. Flora held onto Layton's arm, Don Paolo grunted along with Emmy and Clive who just stood there, listening to what the Professor had come up with.

"I've got something. But it will be dangerous."

"If it means saving London and stopping Cyrus, I'll be more than happy to help carry it out Professor!" Clive mentioned.

"Hurry up Layton!" Descole ordered. "We haven't got all day!"

"Right, Paul. Do you have another customised Laytonmobile around?"

"Yeah, it's just around the corner of the street. What are you planning?"

"Good. Emmy, you come with me. We're going to scale that machine to the top using the Laytonmobile. We might have to use some debris as a ramp."

"Copy that Professor!"

"You must be crazy!" Descole yelled.

"Perhaps. And perhaps not. I've done it before, and I will do it again. If it means stopping Cyrus and saving Luke and London, I will gladly do it."

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