Chapter 6: The Dilapidated Town of Folsense

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The Molentary Express entered the long, dark tunnel and every light on board turned off. Since everyone was asleep, no one knew exactly what happened in the tunnel. But Luke still remembers from the last time he went through the tunnel.

Luke managed to wake up to the sound of metal being moved and dragged. He noticed Flora was fast asleep, practically cuddling him and he had his arm around her. Luke noticed Dimitri also managed to wake up.

"Dimitri? You're...awake?" Luke asked, yawning and stretching.

"Yes. I managed to wake up about five minutes ago actually. I went out of the train for a brief moment to see what they were doing to it. It turns out they are in fact swapping tracks."

Luke carefully got up from the couch without waking up Flora. He managed to rest her head on a pillow and then walked over to the window in the room and looked outside.

"Bollocks. I can't see anything. It's too dark."

"It is a dark tunnel after all. And all the lights on board have turned off too." Dimitri turned to Clive who had his head rested against the back of the couch and was in a sitting position whilst still asleep.

"How were you able to wake up so quickly?" Luke asked Dimitri, puzzled.

"Well, that's what many years as a scientist gets you. Lack of sleep and being able to wake up so quickly."

"But, surely that isn't good for your health is it?"

"You are right about that. But, I've dedicated my whole life to research and being a scientist. It's only natural I must act like one too. Even if lack of sleep and waking up early is not what they do. I'm just...different I guess you can say."

Luke suddenly heard some talking coming from outside the train. He couldn't make out all of it but managed to hear 'Alright, it's done.'

"It sounds as if they've swapped the carriages around. Looks like we'll be heading to Folsense now."

"Ah, so that's how to get there. On this train! Got it. Now I know in case I ever decide to come back on my own."

Luke looked at Dimitri, slightly disgusted. He had already told Dimitri how to get to Folsense. He was sure of it. Unless he didn't pay attention.

The lights on the train came back on and the train started to move again.


"We should probably take this time to have a quick look around the train right?"

"And leave these two here?"

"I mean, they're just sleeping so nothing should happen to them right?"

"I guess. Okay, well let's go look around anyway. We shouldn't take long though otherwise they might wake up and notice we're gone."

"Agreed." Luke opened the door to the hallway. "Alright, let's have a look around."

Luke and Dimitri walked out of their room and closed the door behind them. The shadowy figure that was behind Clive before was now behind them. But before Luke could turn around and see it, it quickly disappeared.

"I could've sworn I thought someone was watching us there." Luke looked at the area where the shadowy figure was before Dimitri approached him from behind.

"You know, Clive had a similar reaction here before. He thought someone was behind him but no one was there."

Luke started thinking about something.

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