Chapter 8: The Mastermind Revealed

Start from the beginning

"Surrender now. And, you'll all be allowed to live."

Luke started them down and clenched his fists. Flora hid behind Luke and Clive had a look of concern on his face whilst he also stared the person down. Katia and Anton kept each other close. The scientists hid behind an up-turned table.

"I should've known you were a Master Scientist and Machine Expert, Dimitri. You even tried to make a time machine. No ordinary person can do that."

Someone else snuck up behind the cloaked figure. They took the gun off them.

"I wouldn't get all cocky if I were you. Let him go and show your hands."

The cloaked person let Dimitri go and put his hands up.

"Emmeline Altava. Surely you wouldn't shoot your uncle Leon would you?"

"What!?" shrieked Luke, Emmy, Dimitri and Clive.

The cloaked person revealed himself to be none other than Leon Bronev. The same person who Emmy worked for in the past.

"Uncle Leon? Why are you still with Targent? Didn't you leave?" Emmy lowered the gun.

"I was forced to rejoin. Otherwise they would've tracked you down and killed you." Bronev turned towards Emmy. "You see? I did this for you. So that you could live. I was also forced to do their dirty work too. Which meant...killing people. But I didn't do that. I let the lower ranked thugs do that. Because I'm not that type of person." He looked towards Luke. "Not anymore."

"Wait, so you're not the leader of Targent then?" Luke asked.

"No. I used to be but not anymore. The new, and current, leader of Targent is a man named Cyrus. Even though I'm a higher ranked General than most thugs, I've never seen his face. But I know he wears a red jacket with a greenish shirt inside as well as brown-orange pants." Bronev walked over to Emmy and begged. "Please Emmeline! Stop him. For me. I don't want to work as a Targent General anymore. But he won't let me leave. You need to stop him and quickly. He plans to unleash his plan to the public in London in a couple of days time. You need to be quick. He should already be in London."

"And how can we trust you Bronev? You tricked us last time." Luke jeered.

"I know how you feel boy. Your Professor is missing I know. I was his...biological father. Until he and his brother both got adopted by separate families. Targent took me in for all my research I did and my wife. Left them as orphans."

"What?" Luke, Flora and Clive could not believe what they were hearing. "If he's your son, then why is his name different to yours?"

"Are you really that daft boy? It's the name his adopted parents wanted him to have. And also...his brother gave him that name. His brother was called Hershel but decided to give it to him. Layton's real name is Theodore Bronev and his brother is Hershel Bronev."

"Who....who is the Professor's brother? Are they still around today? Flora asked slightly excited.

"His brother goes by the name Desmond Sycamore. Better yet, Jean Descole. As for whether he's still around, I'm not entirely sure. I haven't seen him for years. Alright enough questions. Now go to London! Quickly."

"Descole? That man? Really?" Luke was lost in his thoughts but quickly came back to his senses when Clive tapped him on his shoulder. "Right! What about you?"

"I intend to stay in Folsense a bit longer. I need to order Targent to get out of here and hopefully away from London and also find out what else they'reup to. Now go. And save London from certain destruction."

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