Chapter 6: The Dilapidated Town of Folsense

Start from the beginning

"Well, we shouldn't waste any time. Let's have a look around the train quickly."

The two of them walked around the train to notice nothing had really changed. Just the paint in one of the carriages was different than it was last time.

"Nothing's changed? Well, except that one carriage anyway." Luke sighed. "We should head back then."

"Yes, it seems we're almost there."

Luke and Dimitri returned to the VIP Carriage and back to their room. They opened the door to walk in and noticed Clive was awake now and Flora was still asleep. Clive looked as if he had just woken up.

"Hey Clive. I take it you're awake too." Dimitri stated.

"No. Merely just daydreaming is all." Clive chuckled at his own sarcasm. "It seems Flora is still asleep. Where did you two go?"

"We just had a look around the train to see if anything had changed. Just one carriage is different but that's it really."

"I see." Clive looked out the window to notice a partially shadowy silhouette of what looked to be a town approaching them. "Is that Folsense? What happened to it? I thought it was repaired?"

Luke looked out the window as well to also notice the town with some lights on.

"What happened here?"

Flora managed to wake up, stretching and yawning.

"Oh, you're all awake?"

"Yes, we've been awake for quite some time now." Dimitri looked towards the window. "It looks like we're here."

"Oooo how exciting! Is it the same as last time you were here Luke? With the lights?"

"I told you that was an illusion. It was fake. Yes, there was news about the town getting rebuilt but still not being marked on the map. Right now, the town looks like it's been destroyed."

Luke noticed a smoke pillar emerging from what looked to be near the middle of the town. The train came to a stop but to their surprise, no one was alerted to its arrival.

"Alright we're here! We should leave and get this investigation started." Ordered Dimitri.

"Agreed. We mustn't wait any longer." Clive picked up his suitcases.

Dimitri took two of his four suitcases, Luke took his bag and Flora took her bag. The four of them arrived in the station only to notice that there wasn't a single light anywhere so it was practically pitch black.

"Sammy, how long do we have until the train heads back to Dropstone?"

"Well, it was only you folks and one other guy that came here. But I don't think he's going to return any time soon. He didn't looks happy at all. So, whenever you want to head back, just let me know and I'll get the train running."

"Thank you, Sammy."

"Not a problem."

Luke proceeded to walk through the dark station with Flora, Dimitri and Clive. Luke felt something hold his arm but realised it was just Flora. Dimitri and Clive followed behind them and tried to look for a source of light but they couldn't see anything.

"Luke...I'm scared." Flora shivered lightly.

"Don't worry Flora. Nothing's going to happen to you as long as we are here."

Flora was too scared to respond to Luke's words. They reached the double doors that triggered the effects of the gas to take place last time they came here but miraculously, nothing happened.

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