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"Jack! This parcel's for you!" Your mum shouts. You run down the stairs, bewildered. You haven't ordered a parcel. You take the box upstairs and open it and see a note and a phone-like object inside. You read the note:

Dear Mr Brown,

Inside this box is the BSD - the Body Swap Device. After careful research and choice, we have decided to choose you to have the device. All you have to do is point the cone structure at the top of the device at one person, press the button, and do the same with another person. This will swap their bodies, and make their brain think that the body they have entered has always been their body, meaning reality will alter depending on who you switch. For example, if you switched your mother with a man on the street, you mother will gain the man's body and vice versa, and the whole world will think your mother has had that body her whole life. Your mother, however, will not end up outside in the man's body, the man's body will replace your mother's body in whatever position it is in. Clothes will also swap. If you aim the BSD at yourself, your brain will travel to wherever the second body is, and whoever enters your body will think that they have always been you and will gain your brain/thoughts, apart from the memory of the BSD. As for you, you will remember that you have always been Jack, but will also gain information about the person whose body you have entered eg their name, age, address etc.
Remember, the BSD is now yours - do whatever you please with it.

PS. Only one person is exempt from reality changes; Aisling Cooper.

Yours sincerely,
Noidenti Ty

"Oh my god..." you stand bewildered. "Not again..."
"Are you meeting Aisling today?" Your mum said in a lovey-dovey manner.
"Uhm, yeah." You said, presuming she was your girlfriend.
"I know what she looks like now. She was in some event on the school Twitter page. Why won't you bring her over?!"
"Because, um, uh, I'm-uh, busy." you speed out of the house, going to meet up with Aisling.

The Body Swap Device: Software UpdateWhere stories live. Discover now