Alteration Street

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You open the door to see nobody on the street apart from one person walking on the opposite side of the road. It's Aisling Cooper, your crush since Year 5. She was an Irish girl, who moved from Shannon when she was quite young. She still had the strong Irish accent though, which you adored. She had the perfect body, and a wonderful personality, and all you wanted was her to be your girlfriend. You thought she was the perfect girl. You point the cone at her and select "Body Swap" on the screen. You read the screen:

Please point at the second target.

You blast yourself and wonder why the swap hasn't happened. You look at the screen and see a countdown. "Time to prepare myself. Ni-"

"-ce." Your sentence was finished by a familiar Irish voice. You looked down to see Aisling's amazing body. You didn't know where to start. You decided to take the bus to her house and try things out in the privacy of your new room. You blast yourself, feeling the signature warm tingle the BSD gives you, and select "Alter (physical)". You scroll until you see "Breast Size". You move the slider up to E, and press Confirm. You feel a tug on your chest, as you lose your balance and fall over. "Shit." you whisper. You reset all of the changes, saving Aisling's body in the BSD, and you wake up in your kitchen. "Definitely going back there!" You say out loud, for Stevie to hear. 

"Go back where? You've been here all morning, you freak." She replies. To shut her up, you switch bodies with her, giving you full control over her body whilst your body carried on doing whatever it needed to do. You begin to walk up the stairs and mutter back at your body, "Who's the freak now?" You should be finding it hard to walk in the shoes you are wearing, but it seems you've gained Stevie's personality and skills, as you walk flawlessly to 'your' room, feeling your hips sway side to side. "God, this thing is so good!" You lay on your bed, ready to alter your new body, when you hear your old body shout up the stairs for you to come back down. "Hey Stevie, I need you a moment!" It shouts.

"Ugh, just fuck off! I'm not coming back down!" You would never speak like that to someone, but it seems the new Stevie-like version does. You felt way out of your comfort zone shouting that, but it felt good, even if you were technically shouting at yourself. You look at the BSD just before blasting yourself, and notice an option you didn't notice before. "Alter (world)". You press it and a list drops down as always with options like "Year", "Country" and "Family Nationality". You press "Family Nationality" and scroll through the options, before stopping on "Spanish". You press confirm and watch your skin tan slightly, but nothing else changes. "Opción estúpida." You say, and quickly cover your mouth after subconciously speaking in Spanish. "So stuff has changed." You say in your new accent. You hear someone burst through the door. It's Jack, or now, Joaquin. "¡Grítame así una vez más y te arrancaré el pelo, zorra!" He replies, and somehow you understand fluently. He stomps out of the room. "How dare he call me a slut!" You think. "Lucia's not that bad." Your Spanish side got through again! Stevie's name must be Lucia in Spanish. After remembering what happened last time, after what you now call 'El incidente escocés' (The Scottish incident) you quickly reset everything except your body swap. Everything goes back to normal, and you find yourself in Stevie's English body. You decided to stay as Stevie for a while, altering her body to how you wanted it.

The Body Swap Device: Software UpdateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora