Swapping Centre

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You quickly walk into one of the cubicles and sit down on the toilet inside. You fire up the BSD and zap yourself. You press 'Alter (physical)' and scroll to 'Hair Length'. You confirm the length to just below your butt, making it quite long. You change 'Breast Size' to F, trying not to fall off the toilet this time round, and you make your butt slightly bigger. You press confirm and feel your centre of gravity change, as well as your clothes resizing to adapt to your new parts. When you're ready, you restart time and walk out of the toilets. You hold your head high, hoping someone will notice your 'brand new body'. You start to blast people and mentally change them so they begin to notice you. Then, an idea hits you. rather than just preferring men, could you change your sexuality? You reset all of the mental changes, and hit yourself, changing your sexuality from 'Heterosexual' to 'Homosexual'. You press confirm but nothing happens. You jog back home, now slightly more difficult, and walk to your room. You see Stevie on the stairs, walking the opposite way you were. She's so beautiful. Shame she's my sister. you think to yourself. Wait, was that your new sexuality peeking through? You walk upstairs and search 'handsome men' into Google, hoping you'd find at least one attractive. Nope. You search 'cute women' and find lots of them attractive. "What can't the BSD do?" you mutter to yourself. You switch back to Heterosexual, but save the Homosexual option to your saved alterations. Whilst you do so, you reset all of the changes that you have made, turning you back into the 15-year-old boy you were. However, you had plans.

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