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He smiles at me and turns back to steering the ship. I decide to wander around, no idea what I am doing.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Do you need something?" I turn around to see a girl with ginger hair. "You looked lost. Just checking to make sure you were in the right mind." She says with a slight laugh.

Her Statment made me snicker. "Yes, I am fine. I'm Bill. The blue haired boy over there is Will, my brother." I point to Will. She smiles. "Wendy. Nice to meet you." She hold out her hand.

I kindly take it and we shake. "I'll be going now! I have duties!" She says. She runs off to do her tasks. What a nice girl.

I head to the captain's quarters and see Dipper. "Why hello there, PineTree." I say. He rolls his eyes. "What do you want?" He asks annoyed. I shake my head. "Nothing, just came to annoy you." I say sarcastically.

I hop into my tank, feeling the relief of having a tail again. I swim around in the just big enough tank. It feels good to swim.

The door slams open. "Bro bro! How have you been?" Dipper looks at his twin. "I see you have a siren! He's so beautiful!" She walks over to me.

"I'm Mabel!" She says to me. "I'm Bill. But I'm going to call you Shooting Star." I say. She laughs. "Whatever floats your boat, Bill." She says.

She takes a step back and turns to her brother. "Have you heard him sing?" She asks. He nods. "It's actually quite lovely when you stop and listen to it." He responds.

Shooting Star turns back to me. "Can you sing for me? Please?" She asks. I nod. I can sing without having to lure someone, so I am able to just plain sing for her.

I clear my throat. "Wateren diep en blauw~ Golven hoog en helder~ Wees voorzichtig met wat je doet~ Je weet nooit wat er in blauw schuilgaat..." I sing.

She claps for me. "That was beautiful!" She exclaims. "Thank you." I say. I like her. She's nicer than her brother.

"I have to go now. You guys be nice! Don't kill each other!" She says as she leaves. It's like she knows how much we fight.

Dipper gets up and grabs a book. "You're a nerd. Why do you always have that book?" I say, popping my head out from the tank.. "Because, I enjoy reading." He responds.

"Whatever, PineTree." I say. He looks at me annoyed. "Quit calling me that. I have a name." He says annoyed. I roll my eyes. "Would you prefer cutie instead?" I say.

His face turns bright red. "Just shut up." He says. I snicker. "How cute~ Little PineTree is flustered." I snicker. He growls.

I roll my eyes. "I'm bored." I say. I hang my arms off the side of the tank. "Can we commit arson?" I say excitedly.

"What?! Fuck no! Why would you want to do that?! And what would you even burn?!" He shouts. I laugh. "Chill, I'm kidding." I laugh.

I say my spell and have legs again. I'm still in my hoodie and shorts. I hop out of the tank and jump next to Dipper. "Whatcha reading, PineTree?" I ask.

He looks up from his book. "Random stuff from a journal. My friend gave me the journal." He replies. I nod. "What's in it?" I ask. "Random stuff he documented as a pirate." He says.

I nod. Interesting. "Anything about siren?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No. He didn't encounter any." He replies. Wow. He must have either been in the waters where no siren dares to go, or just really skilled.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to read." He says. I roll my eyes. I get up and walk outside.

Come with me for a swim! (pirate AU) (BILLDIP) Where stories live. Discover now