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I wake up in a bed, Will nowhere to be found. I quickly sit up, realizing what happened. I see the one without blue. Ah, I forgot his name. "Oh, I see you're awake. I'm Dipper, captain of the ship."

So his name is Dipper. Whatever.. "Yeah yeah, just bring my brother to me. Then we will take our leave." He looks up from a book he was reading.

"No can do, you're staying in here until I get a new crew. For now, you'll be part of it. And you don't have a choice." I scoff. "Can you at least bring me my brother?" He shakes his head.

I freeze. Now I won't tolerate that. "Bring me my brother! He has separation anxiety! He's probably scared out of his mind!" The boy smirks. "Mason will bring him when he's done."

I can't help but growl. My usual blue aura turns red. I bare my teeth and my eyes become smaller, like a cat.

"Calm down, feisty. You'll see him don't worry." I swat the book out of his hands before scratching his face.

"Bitch that hurt!" I roll my eyes. "It was supposed to dumbass." He holds his face, clearly bleeding.

Suddenly I hear the sounds of crying getting closer. The door slams open and I see Will come flying towards me, followed by Mason. "Seriously, all I did was try to comfort him! But-" I shush him.

"He doesn't like anyone BUT me touching him. He has separation anxiety and he has been through trauma." They both look at me with shock.

I hiss at them, not liking being stared at, and try to calm Will. "It's weird how his mood changes when he's with his brother." Dipper says. I roll my eyes.

I start singing the lullaby I always sung to Will when he was like this. "Stil nu kind, niets te vrezen~ Concentreer je gewoon op het geschreeuw dat je zult horen... Niets om je zorgen over te maken! Niets te vrezen! Luister gewoon naar mijn stem zodat je kunt horen..." Will starts to calm down but not fully.

"Stil nu! Stil nu! Ontwaken uit je slaap~ Houd ze bij hun hoofd, schat. Trek dan diep naar beneden~" Will starts calming down and smiling. He hugs me tighter.

"Dank je wel, brother!" I smile. "Je bent welkom, brother." I say. Both Mason and Dipper look puzzled. "Was that in... Dutch?! Is that what you guys sing in?! Dutch?!" I laugh.

"Took you long enough! Ha!" I out Will on the head. "Now all you gotta do is figure out what we are saying!"

Come with me for a swim! (pirate AU) (BILLDIP) Where stories live. Discover now