Karthik looks at the two of them shocked "What the..", Abhi looks towards the girl "Sometimes it affects him a lot.. like right now.. he thought you were her.. we are really sorry for his behaviour". She looks at Karthik and then again at the rest two, she nods looking at Abhi "Please control your friend.. he cannot go around hugging other girls like this.. I understand it's difficult but still".

The girl leaves from there while Yash and Abhi take Karthik back to their car "What the hell was that..", Karthik keeps looking elsewhere not knowing what to answer them. Abhi and Yash keep looking at him but he keeps looking elsewhere without answering them. Yash looks at him "Something is happening Karthi that you are not letting us know.. we are not going to force you.. but seriously don't these stunts please..

Hugging a stranger.. that too a girl.. giving your phone to someone else.. we might just land up in trouble.. so please control yourself". Abhi looks at him as Yash starts the car "That was a really a narrow escape.. had we not reached on time she would have called the police.. seriously who were you even thinking about". Karthik looks out the window "I.. I thought she was someone else", Abhi rolls his eyes at him "Obviously na.. that we understood.. but who is this person.. is it someone from our college".

Abhi wiggles his eyebrows looking at Karthik, he immediately denies "No.. not at all.. not anyone from our college.. it's someone else.. leave it guys.. I'm sorry.. because of me you guys would have landed in trouble". Yash and Abhi give him a weird look "We are also eager to find out who this someone else is.. this someone is making you hallucinate about them.. wowww!!". Karthik was completely embarassed, he looks away from them and keeps looking out the window trying to hide his embarassment.

Flashback ends...

He was lost in his thoughts when he hears a sweet voice beside him "One Watermelon mojito". He turns towards the voice feeling it to be a familiar one, he sees Aadhira next to him, she gives him a polite smiles but he turns away from her the minute he sees her. Godd Karthik till now you were hallucinating her presence.. now her voice too.. what the.. will you stop your imagination and come back to the real world..

she isn't here.. enough of her imaginations.. when she comes to know in future you won't hear the end of it.. I should go and bang my head somewhere so that I come back to my senses and not end up doing anything stupid which would land all three of us in trouble.. I cannot do that.. come on Karthik stop thinking about Aadhu.. when I'm destined to meet her again I would.. but this is not right.. I cannot keep hallucinating like this..

He closes his eyes and tries to take deep breaths and calm his brain. After a long deep breathe he opens his eyes again and looks to his right where he saw Aadhira smiling at him. He smiles when he doesn't see her now, uff finally my imagination isn't running wild.. thank god.. else I would have done something really stupid like last time..

He turns to Yash and gets involved in talking to him. After a few minutes they both turn towards the dance floor when they hear a commotion.

"How dare you touch her haan.. how dare you.. what you think girls are toys anybody can touch them anyway they want and she wouldn't complain.."

"She didnt complain when she was dancing with me.. now what's the problem if I touch her.. haan.. and who the hell are you to tell me not to.. I'm her boyfriend.. I can touch her however I want.. you don't get a say in it Aadhira.."

"Shut up.. just shut up.. just because she is your girlfriend.. or you are her boyfriend.. you cannot touch her neither can she until you both give your consent.. here she isn't comfortable so.. its a no.. understand that.. and I get to say in it because I'm her friend.."

"No you don't Aadhira.. whatever it is it's between us.. and you don't get to make scene of our relationship.. or a say in it.. it's only she or me"

Her friend tries to stops her but Aadhira doesn't listen, she glares at the guy, if left to her she would have buried the guy six feet under the ground for trying to touch her friend inappropriately "If you really like her.. you will understand that she isn't comfortable.. but you didn't.. then someone has to step up and voice it out when she wasn't ready to voice it out..

just get out of here.. say it out Teju if you are not comfortable.. if its a No be ready to voice it out.. no matter who it is.. even if the person is your spouse.. don't try to stay in the same place even while you are feeling uncomfortable.. that's all I have to say.. rest upto your choice".

Abhi goes back near Yash and Karthik, Karthik was really shocked to see that it's really Aadhira and she is actually here and he has not been hallucinating today. She was here and now fighting for her friend, Abhi smiles looking towards her "What a girl yaar.. fire she is..".

Tied by Destiny (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now