Chapter 7: "The LOV attack"

Start from the beginning

Tetsutetsu: "Found you...!" I yelled it and saw a guy with a gas mask.

???: "...they're still human, huh?" He said it aiming a revolver at me and then he shoot at me. However, the bullet did nothing to me only making arch my back, but my mask was now broken and it fell apart. "Oh yeah, I saw you during the live broadcast of the sports festival. There were guys who could turn hard. A gun won't work, huh?" He asked himself as I took a step back and covered my face. "But well, it doesn't matter. Because it's just a matter of how long you can hold your breath in this gas." He said it still aiming his gun at me. I examined him, he was a wearing schools uniform and a green gas mask with some tubes that goes to his back where were some air cylinders. I stood up ran at him for a try to get him, but he shoot at me again making me flew away a little from him. "Are you pretending to be the Terminator? Even if you can harden yourself, you're charging straight in? Give me a break. You go to a prestigious school, right? You're smart, aren't you?" He said it as he was pointing at his head with his free hand. "Will you use your head a little?" He asked me as he pointed his gun where Kendo was. "If you don't, you're not worth my time." He said it as I quickly jumped in front of Kendo and he shoot, but I caught a bullet.

Itsuka: "Tetsutetsu!" She called out in fear and I felt my metal crack.

Tetsutetsu: "It's no good. Retreat!" I said to her as the guy laughed.

???: "Two against one, with one of you hiding for a surprise attack, right? That's weak! Such a weak plan!" He said it rising his hands in the air.

Itsuka: "Tetsutetsu, you're bleeding!" She said it worriedly.

Tetsutetsu: "It's fine, just retreat!" I said to her looking up at this guy.

???: "This gas is produced by me and controlled by me." He said creating more of this gas. "It's telling me tour movements directly with its fluctuations. In other words, you can't hide from me!" He said it disappearing in this gas. "Why can't you figure that out? You go to UA, right? Don't ruin my image of it. That's why you're being attacked like this now." He said it hiding in the gas, I got up and ran in front of me.

Itsuka: "Wait a-" She said, but was cut off by a shot. However, he missed because of the wood tentacles that immobilized him. "Great! She got him!" She said it as I just simply punched him in the face knocking him out and breaking his mask. The gas started disappearing and I saw (Y/N) ran up to us in her normal form.

Y/N: "Are you guys okay?" She asked us as I turned normal and finally get to breathe.

Itsuka: "We are fine, I guess." She answered her and she nodded.

Y/N: "I really need to go and find our classmates so please don't worry about me." She said it and looked at Kendo. "Itsy, always remember about what I gave you." She said it with the smile and pointed at Kendo's pocket where her crystals were. Kendo nodded as Y/N run in some direction.

Your POV

I was now running and then I saw some green light and then it disappeared with the giant black and purple arm. I stopped and then Shoji appeared with Izuku on his back in front of me. Izuku opened his eyes.

Izuku: "Sh-Shoji?!" He said in shock, I ran up to them as Izuku looked behind him to see me. "(Y/N)?! What are you doing here?!" He yelled getting Shoji's attention to us.

Shoji: "You 2 are thinking about saving your friends. What are we gonna do with you 2?" He said it as scratched the back of my head awkwardly. We looked at the direction of where that hand came from.

Izuku: "That just now..." He tried to ask.

Shoji: "Yeah." He cut him off with this answer and I get it that they are talking about Tokoyami. "We were ambushed by villains, and I covered us. But that triggered the quirk that he'd been desperately trying to hold back..." He explained and then I remembered that Tokoyami said to me about his quirk once after the final exam.

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