Y/n's Day at Fazbears {1}

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(This is Daisy)

Y/n POV:)
"Ughhhh, Why alarm do u do this to me??" I groaned and rolled out of bed and on the floor.

"Ouch,Y/n are u alright??" My roommate, Daisy rushed in after my body thumped on the floor"Oh me? Yeah-" I flipped over and rolled down completely on the floor "I'm fine" I smiled hoping she'd by it "Oookay, well I made us breakfast don't get too hurt before your pancakes get cold" daisy Said slowly walk backwards and out of my room.

'Hell yes! Pancakes' I rushed to the kitchen for some of the best pancakes in the world. No one makes better pancakes than Daisy change my mind. "So Y/n remember I won't be here tonight I have to work at Fazbears okay?" "Oh yeah I remember"

I finished shoving pancakes in my mouth and went up to get dressed. Me and Daisy decided we should go there today so she's a little familiar with the place. "Okay Y/n ready to go?" Daisy said collecting some cash from her savings "Why are u bringing money?" I asked looking at the money than Daisy,the money that Daisy again "Oh well since we're going might as well play around right?" She asked smiling her sweet innocent smile "I guess?" I responded as we walked out to her car. Because in all honesty I don't really like driving.

(From now on Daisy calls u doll)

"Alright Doll we're here" She said parking the car and standing by her door "Oh, okay" I got out of the car and we walked in the place "Y'now u will always be the driver out of the two of us" I whispered to Daisy, walking in to my literal childhood. She giggled at me and a guy around our age came up to us "Hello ladies how may I help u?" He asked walking over with a empty pizza plate "Oh we're just looking around" Daisy claimed as we continued walking around the pizzeria.

"Wow the animatronics are bigger in person" I breathed as we walked over the the Toy animatronics "Huh, Hey Daisy what are their names again?" I asked look in Daisy direction "We'll This is Toy Freddy" She said pointing at the caramel bear with the hat and mic. "And that one is Toy chica" She said pointing to a bright cream yellow chicken with a cup on her hand platter "And last but not least Toy Bonnie" Daisy finished pointing at a Bright shiny blue bunny with Two floppy ears and a red electric guitar in hand.

"Okay cool" I said walking up to look at each animatronics features. 'Looks like Bonnie has vibrant green eyes, chica has bright blue eyes, and Freddy has deep blue eyes' I said finish off my thought. "Come on Doll why don't we keep looking around, I do have to work here soon" Daisy exclaimed walking off me following her.


We had quite a interesting day a Fazbears I can't believe Daisy wants to work there "Y/n I'm going to bed for work tonight" Daisy yelled from the kitchen "Foods in the fridge if u need it, oh and don't be afraid to call me" She said Walking over to her room and close if the door "Okay thanks" I yelled from my bed.

Living with Daisy isn't that bad, shes like the mom I've always wanted. Wonder if I'll end up back at Fazbears, maybe....

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