Chapter 5: Next Stop: Dropstone!

Start from the beginning

"Don Paolo. Even though she's forgiven him for everything he did to her, thinking about that place gives her nightmares."

"I understand." Clive began. He sighed. "Poor Flora. She's been through so much."

Dimitri opened up one of his suitcases to reveal a strange machine inside it.

"Alright, we'll get started on our little project. You two can have a walk around if you like. Think of it as a date!"

Flora heard this and immediately jumped to the floor and ran over to Luke. She held his hand and giggled slightly.

"Here. Here's £200 to spend on whatever you like." Clive handed the money to Luke. Luke was shocked. Clive had so much money he was practically giving it away for free.


"Let's go Luke! Let's go explore the train. Maybe it's changed in those years since we were last on it."

"Uhh, yeah sure." The pair walked out of the cart and out to the hallway. "Where shall we go first?"

"Oooo I want to try that restaurant here again. I really loved the food there."

Luke, a bit nervous, looked around the train cart.

"Yeah, sure."

Flora smiled again and the two of them went towards Train Carriage C - The Molentary Cuisine.

Back in the VIP carriage, Dimitri was setting up some sort of device.

"You sure this will work Dimitri?" Clive asked whilst observing Dimitri's movements.

"It should. If it does work, then it could very well get us out of danger from Targent. For a bit anyway. That is, if we come across them in Folsense."

"Something about this mystery doesn't add up. Why would people just suddenly disappear like that? And how would no one know of the gas that plagued the town for over 60 years?"

"That's what we intend to find out ourselves. And to find my expedition team. There's probably a reason for the memory loss which we don't understand yet. And this incident could prove to have some involvement in Hershel's disappearance. "

Clive stood in the middle of the room thinking about something whilst watching Dimitri. Dimitri was making some adjustments to his device.

"It's almost done! Once it is, we can replicate it with another device I have here. Could very well prove useful, as long as you don't stare at it that is. Is there anything you wanted to work on Clive?"

"Not exactly, but if you need my help then I will happily oblige."

"Oof, that personality of yours. You intend to become a gentleman too huh?"

"Why yes I do. Me playing the villain for most of my life got me no where. I'd like to actually spend the rest of my life helping people in need and tackling mysteries like this Folsense one."

Dimitri laughed loudly.

"You're just like me then! Well, I wish you good luck on that then."

"Thank you. And you too, Dimitri."

Dimitri went back to tampering his strange device whilst Clive observantly watched.

Back on the other side of the train, Luke and Flora just arrived at The Molentary Cuisine. The waiter inside greeted them both.

"Good day sir and ma'am. Oh, it's you!"

The waiter in the cart was surprised to see Luke and Flora together without the Professor.

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