Chapter 7

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We got on airplane after airplane dad said we are going to California. I'm hoping that California is similar to Florida I've read that it gets hot there .
I went up to dad while we were waiting to catch our last plane and said "dad where we moving to exactly" he looked at me and put one hand one shoulder and said Tulare I need you to be strong we'll get through this." When we got California we landed in Bakersfield dad said we would need to drive for 1 and half hour to get to Tulare. We drove around town and looked at the people and restaurants and what not. But finally we got to our house which wasn't the biggest but I guess it was ok. "Why don't we go and introduce our selfs to the neighbor"mom said. When we walked over there there was a guy cutting his grass there was no way he could hear us with that motor making the most noise in the whole block. He saw us heading his way and as he cut a row of grass he looked at us with what I thought was anger and confusion. Dad waved at the chubby guy in a wife beater that was now going to be our neighbor. Our neighbor stopped the lawn mower and walked over to us he whipped his sweat of his face cleaned his glasses and said "what so you guys want?" Dad pulled his hand out his pocket and replied " we're the "freeman family and we would like to introduce our selfs I'm Chris this is my wife Katie my daughter Leslie and our son Chris jr." Before he could say anything his son came out the house he looked like one of the kids from the dare movies they showed at school and would always end up being the bad influence. He came out side as if someone called him and asked "dad everything alright?" His dad ignored his concern and put one arm around him and said " this my boy Kevin I call him kev. He shook my parents hand but held my sister's a extra sec or two he patted my head like if he was some much older then me. The neighbor said I'm pat and shook my dad's hand only. In a nice but still came off rude way he said "now get out of here so I can finish my lawn" we walked back to the house and made it our home as much as we could. Mom yelled to us as we were organizing our stuff in our new rooms "go to sleep you two you start school tomorrow" instantly I felt this anxiety in my chest my lungs started to breath fast and hart pounded fast. I couldn't fall asleep hour after hour I stared at my alarm clock .

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