Loki & Thor Chapter 6

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Loki's pov

The guards of Midgard were watching me as they led me to my cell. On the way I looked into a room to see a tiny man with glasses, and the girl from earlier. My eyes met her's and my mind freezed. Ther entire eyeball and iris turned red, like a... Frost giant. 

She looked away with a smirk on her face as the gurads led me the rest of the way to a glass cage. To me it was obvious that this cage was built for something both larger and stronger than me. Then I remembered who that little man was. I'd heard Barton speak about a little man whom turend into a giant green rage monster. That must be him. 

**skipping over Fury's boring, and unnessesary speech**

So here I was, stuck in a cell. But my mind were on something completly different. The girl with the blood red eyes. She had to be a jotun, I mean, there is no other optition. And by the looks of it, she and the Man of Iron were courting eachother. I was thinking about this, and that's what kept me from noticing the white haired girl entering the room.

Thor's pov

There were something wrong about the girl next to the Man of Iron, I felt like I knew her, yet her face did not wake a memory in my mind. As I were thinking this, I heard her excuse herself from the chat and walked the way to my brothers cell.

All of us got curious, and Fury turned on the cameras in the cell hall and we caught her entering. My brother looked deep in thoughts and did not notice he before she coughed a bit.

"Pleasure meeting you again Loki Odinson" she spoke. He looked taken back "Odin's not my father!" My brother spoke with a harsh tone. She smirked " I know, just wanted to see your reaction on saying your name, followed by your kidnappers" she said. We didn't see muck of her face, but one thing changed. Her once blue eyes turned into a blood red color. "A jotun" I said in a harsh voice. I stood up, only to loose my footing as the metal machine rocked a little. I got back on my feet and ran to my brothers cell. The girl were on the ground, and my brother stood over her. I jumped to get him bqck into his cell, but I went streight trough him.

The doors closed and all I remember after was Loki leaving and seeing the room I were in falling down towards the surface of Midgard.

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