Damaged pt1 (Post-Season 4)

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Sorry for ignoring my fics for a moment. I just ordered the Hp book series in English for my other Book. I also was very ill. But hey, at least I am here now.

I hope you enjoy it, if you by whatever means do, I would be thankful if you could share, vote, and comment your feedback. Thanks!



Damaged pt1

3rd Person POV:

It had been two months since the battle in The Corridor of Elders, and with it came grief, pain, certainly a lot of injuries, and two depressed Ninjas.

Now, you may be asking yourself why two, and who are these two. For the first one, I don't have an answer. But for the second one, I do.

Lloyd Garmadon. The Chosen One. Ex-Golden Ninja. Green Ninja. Leader of the-. Yes, he has many, too many titles, but behind that brave mask of his, is a boy grieving his father, for what seems like the fifth time. The Green Ninja was very depressed. Everybody knew he needed some friends. That's where the others come in.

They started spending more and more time with him, slowly making sure he was healing. The others and he were always hanging around whether it be the monastery or in the city.

And because of this Jay Walker was simply forgotten. Now, don't get me wrong, they cared for him deeply, didn't ignore him or anything like that. But the only person that had mattered had forgotten him. Jay was nothing without her, without the love of his life.

When he first arrived back on the Bounty, when everyone healed their injuries, he snuck off to his room, without even uttering a single syllable. He honestly didn't care about the blood trickling down his back, when he went to the shower, the only feeling he could feel was how it stung. The only thing he could feel was pain and hunger.

Day after day he became worse. He started ignoring meals which turned into ignoring food whatsoever. He didn't sleep, instead, Jay got a knife from the kitchen, slicing small little cuts into his arm.

His excuse for not going to eat was always either he ate earlier or he was not hungry. Nobody questioned it.

The prescriptions that the doctor said would be the best, he ignored. He couldn't be bothered to take those meds He felt alone, scared, but at the same time delighted.

What he didn't notice was that his ex-lover, Nya, had started to notice the little-big changes to the poor boy. She started noticing how he avoided contact, never came out of the room, and when he did, he looked deathly pale not to mention he could see his cheekbone. Even if they weren't together, she was very worried.

So, she went to speak with the others about this. They looked back on the weeks before. They realized he had never shown up at the shopping mall or the bar or even on game nights. The others realized that something needed to be done. They decided to organize a beach day. Whatever it takes, they will get him out of that room.

Sometime later

3rd Person POV:

Nya had been getting ready for herself and Jay For the beach day. They didn't inform him yet about it and if she knows something about him, it's that he loves surprises. She put the last thing into the sports bag, zipped it up.

She went up to the door, promptly with childish letters on the top of the frame with those spelling out 'JAY'. Nya went up to the door and lightly knocked.




Nya had been waiting for about 5 minutes at the door, concerned about Jay's wellbeing, she went to open the door. Just about as she moved her hand to the doorknob, it opened.

Nya up slowly but surely. When she reached his shirt, the Samurai noticed some red tint, that awfully looked like blood, but she wasn't that convinced. She got a quick peek at the room behind him.

Nya didn't really see anything since it was dark. But what she could see was a mess. Clothes were thrown everywhere, glass shards here and there.

As more she went up the more worried, she got. Her whole body went rigid as she saw his face.

Those once beautiful, bright blue eyes were now, just grey. Jay looked honestly tired of life. He looked so worn. His face was so pale, that you could say he was a vampire. With his cheekbone sticking out, how it shouldn't be. She- Okay, she didn't think it was this bad. She knew whose fault this was, and it filled her with guilt.

"What do you want?" Jay asked with coldness in his voice, snapping her out of her thoughts. She was surprised at how he asked the question. But then again....

"You, need to get ready, we are going to the beach!" Nya exclaimed excitedly. However, Jay could barely keep in his scowl. Like he could care.

"No." Jay answered starting to slam the door, but a foot stopped.

"Well, you don't have a choice. Start getting your clothes on or I'll chop of your di-!" Jay slammed the door on her.

He went to his bathroom. He got on a swimming shirt for hiding the scars and cuts and a swimming trunk. Jay got some Jeans and a sweatshirt on it and went to the mirror.

The lightning Ninja looked in the mirror. He thought he looked pathetic, weak, a loser, and many other things...

He sighed and finally brushed his teeth. Jay then washed his face with some water. He looked.... kind of presentable.

Jay took a deep breath opened the door. He squinted at the sudden light of the hall. As his eyes started to adjust, he went down the hall. When he reached the kitchen/hangout area he saw everybody except Lloyd. Nya, of course, was the first to notice him.

"Good morning, Jay! Your bag is to the right of you." At this sentence uttered from her mouth, everyone turned to him. They looked at him as he struggled to pick up the bag with his noodle arms. Cole had enough and went to help him.

When he turned to him, Cole gasped. The auburn's best friend took in his face. He knew what had happened. He was the first one he vented to all the way back. He decided to ask him after the beach day.

After sitting down for 2 minutes Lloyd arrived. Lloyd saw how Jay looked and immediately felt guilty. He'd known that he was ignored, yet did nothing about it.

"So let's get going, shall we?" Nya asked excitedly as she went up the stairs.

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