Pain p1 (Before Season 3)

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This is going to be depressing so be aware. I am really proud of this one Vote and comment your feedback. I hope you enjoy.

Tw: Depressing Thoughts

Played after Season 2 and before Season 3.

3rd Person POV:

One of our Ninja Jay Walker was walking back to the ship in Pain. Due to his mission, he is a little injured right now but he is alright.

There are types of Pain. There is physical Pain and there is emotional. Physical Pain is usually caused by someone or yourself hurting yourself. You feel it instantly. You might die from it.

And there is emotional Pain is a whole another story. When you see the thing that causes you emotional Pain you can't react. You feel like somebody froze you and couldn't move. It slowly creeps up on you till you can feel sobs on your throat, until you just can't take it anymore and break down. They say wounds heal and scars fade away. They do but emotional scars don't. They stay there forever. You recover from them but they always stay there.

So back to the story, Jay was now walking towards his room but on his way, he saw something he'd rather didn't. He peaked into his girlfriend's room. He peeks in to see...


His heart broke into millions of tiny pieces. All he could feel was Pain. The world was spinning around him. He felt like throwing up and crying at the same time.

He saw Nya kissing another guy. And that other guy was none other than his best friend, that helped him through thick and thin. His brother-like figure, Cole.

When he saw this, he was frozen in place. He was thinking about how this could happen. What did he do better than him? Why is he better than himself? These kinds of questions have gone through his mind in just mere milliseconds, while having silent tears running down his cheeks.

At one point he was furious, but he was quickly pulled out of that state. Maybe he is better than him.

When he regained his body, he ran. He ran as fast as possible without making much noise, booking it for the games room.

What he didn't see was 3 ninjas looking toward the ninja who now was on the floor, with his face buried in between his legs.

The three ninjas didn't know what was going on. Why is he crying? What happened?

They went closer to him.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked in a concerned tone. The other two facepalmed, because they knew that he was in fact not alright.

But that didn't matter to Jay as he flung himself towards the hot-headed ninja, wrapping his arms around him. The others were surprised as they saw Kai also wrapping his arms around him, rubbing circles on his back, and whispered encouraging words in his ear.

He calmed down a little bit, still softly crying, but not hyperventilating. They decided to ask some questions.

"What happened Jay?" asked Lloyd really concerned for his friend's, no, brother's emotional state.

"I-I w-went down the s-stairs, j-j-just checking into Nya's r-room to see if s-she's a-alright." He stated as he started to break down again. "I-I looked in f-from the little s-s-space between the f-frame and the d-d-door, an-and I-I saw N-Nya making o-out with C-Cole." He cried out, breaking into sobs, looking up to Kai.

Kai was silent for a second, no emotion in his voice. Lloyd was scared that Kai would hurt Jay so he wrapped him in a protective hug. After a second Kai's face was full-on red shouting out multiple swears. They hurt his brother.

Those shouts alerted Nya and Cole.

They ran into the room, with hickeys showing, and saw a chair flying in the air into a wall.

"What's happening?" Cole asked innocently as his eyes landed on the crying Jay.

Not even a second later he was thrown into a wall, a hand on his throat. Nya's desperate attempts to stop his brother's attempts to kill Cole, but ultimately failed as a pair of cold arms pulled her away.

"How about you stay out of this one." Zane informed with venom in his voice. Everyone was surprised that his voice was this full of hatred.

"WHY DID YOU KISS JAY'S GIRLFRIEND?" He pointed to Cole. "AND WHY DID YOU KISS HIM?" Asked Kai, Nya with fury in his voice. Nya was surprised by this as his brother never shouted at him.

"Oh..." She now knows why Jay is on the floor sobbing his brains out.

They knew that they were in deep shit.

The first part of Pain, really proud of this one. I see myself improving in writing which in my opinion is good.

Also thanks for 500 views!

I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please vote and if there are any problems, please comment them.

I hope you have a good morning/day/night and hydrate!

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