Drunk p2 (Season 4)

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Hello, I am back with the second part of Drunk. Vote and comment your feedback. I hope you enjoy.

Nya's POV:

I have been sitting in my room for an hour thinking about what I should do. I have been thinking on overdrive and I still can't think of what I should do.

Suddenly a knock pulled me out of my mind. I sit up from my bed and went to the door. I open the door to see my brother, the fire ninja, Kai.

"Are you alright? I heard what happened. I swear If he did somethi-." I cut him off.

"No he didn't and even if he did it would be pretty much justifiable. He wouldn't hurt me. But unfortunately, I did, real bad." I said with tears in my eyes as my brother hugs me.

"Let me guess you are trying to make a plan to make him forgive you?" I nod into his chest.

"I still do love him. I was just dumb." Getting out of the hug.

"Aren't you like always?" He asks while chuckling. I playfully hit his arm. "Do you want some help planning?" He asks, I nod.


*time skip till the morning*

Jay's POV:

I woke up in the morning with a big headache. The last thing I could remember was that I went to a bar, if I need to guess I was probably drunk.

I quickly get out of my bed drink a glass of water and get ready for my day.

I get to the kitchen to see Nya and all the others sitting at the table.

"Are you alright." asked a concerned Cole.

"Yes, and I have a question. Was I drunk?" They nod.

I go to the kitchen to get some toast and eggs. I come to sit at the table.

"Hey, Jay. Where did you get those pants and how much were those?" asked Nya shyly.

"I bought these at *random shop name*. I don't know how much there were, but I know that they were 50% off." I said not caring too much.

"I think they would be better 100% off." said Nya. I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I don't think it would be good business, Nya." said Zane. Classic Zane. Not understanding flirting. We all laugh.

*time skip to 8 pm*

We are all sitting by the TV watching a sitcom. At moments we talk sometimes.

"Hey Ja-." I cut her off. She has been flirting with me since morning and I have been confused.

"Okay, what is your problem? You have been flirting with me since morning. What's going on?" I asked her turning to her. She was taken aback a little. Out of the corner of my eye I see Kai getting the guys out of here.

"Okay, it's time to come clean." She says while I look at her in confusion. "So remember last night what you said last night while you were drunk." She asked while biting her lip. I shook my head to signal as to say no. "You... confessed to me." I stayed silent for a moment before starting to get up, but was pulled back by her. She places both her hands on my shoulders. "I am going to be completely honest with you. For a little while, I realized my mistakes. I shouldn't have done that to you after you were so kind to me all the time. Yesterday was the pushing point for me to tell you. I am so sorry." At this point, she is crying. "I know you it's going to be hard to forgive me, but you are going to have to find a way to." She says as she kisses me. I kissed back. Soon enough we get out of the kiss and instead hug.

"I-I forgive you." I didn't notice I was crying. After we calm down, we heard a subtle not so subtle clapping. We turn around to see everyone clapping and seeing a smirking Kai.

We both look at each other and stand up to chase Kai.

This was the second part of drunk. I hope you enjoyed it. if you did, please vote and if there are any problems please comment them.

I hope you have a good morning/day/night and hydrate!

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