Chapter 1: Coming up for Air

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Third Person P.O.V.

Is it already morning. Sam woke up early got off the bed and walk to John and Y/N where then was resting in the chair.

Sam:< to us > Y/N!! John!! WAKE UP!! John and Y/N slowly is waking up and Y/N yawning exhauster while Sam went to the bathroom. I have to go to school today! Hurry John and Y/N! Today, I get to go to school with Carota and the others! Sam walk out the bathroom and went outside at the house.

Y/N:< to John > Alright John is time to go now. John nod and we walk out from the house. Suddenly the Tv turn on itself.

Tv: Potcrock Isle hourly alert...

Time skip by getting Sam to front school and Y/N overhearing unnecessary thing from Catherine.

Catherine:< herself happ > Finally, that child of mine is off at school. My darling... Wait for me!

Y/N:< thinking > Sssshhhh, Women no wonder " Your darling" is it what is it now.

Time skip by Miruku Miyazaki calling us and Y/N still wondering where is see him from.

Miruku Miyazaki:< to Sam > Have you had your breakfast, Little Sam? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know.

Y/N:< to Miruku Miyazaki > No worry Mister. John already make breakfast for Sam. Right Sam?

Sam:< to Miruku Miyazaki > Yes!

We path away and went to school front.

In school Outside.

3 kids talking themselves while walking inside school and Miss Principal Tacoma yell them to be quiet it and 3 kids nod.

Principal Tacoma:< herself > Annoying brats.

The same time John, Y/N and Sam enter the front school and walking to the entry but Principal Tacoma stop them to go any forwards.

Principal Tacoma:< to us > You, there! Stop right there!

Sam:< to Tacoma > I'm new here. Today's my first day.

Principal Tacoma:< to Sam confused > Your first day? At MY school? And WHO, may I ask, said you could attend MY school?

Sam:< to Tacoma > Erm, Yesterday....

Principal Tacoma:< to Sam > Silence! Those without a reference letter aren't allowed in MY school. Y/N is annoy by Tacoma for Interrupting Sam from talking.

Y/N:< to John > John you go ahead to The Mayor's Estate with Sam. I would like have a word with Miss Principal if is that alright with you? John look at Y/N for few moments and nod it. John and Sam went ahead without Y/N.

Principal Tacoma:< to Y/N > What is it? Am really busy here.

Y/N:< to Tacoma > You clearly don't like children. I wonder how you became principal at this school? And I hope you don't give Sam a lot problem with something she didn't. I hope we are clear on that?

Principal Tacoma:< to Y/N > That is not of your business how I run the school well or not!

Y/N:< to Tacoma > I see... You may run YOUR school but you still lose YOUR job if I found something unnecessary on school. You school not that big to hide. Well Miss Principal if you excuse me I will be in my way now. Y/N leaves the school front and went ahead to Mayor's Estate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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