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The rest of the day was a blur, I couldn't find my phone in the apartment or anywhere for that matter and when I tried to get Dick to leave again I couldn't. He was on the lease anyways and I didn't have a way to call 911 and I was scared that if I tried he'd follow through in killing me. I didn't sleep, and I had an early shift at work today so when I got up to shower I found my phone on the counter. I was shaking scared he was going to come out of nowhere again, so I rushed to get ready. When I go to leave the apartment he says, "so you're leaving early for work, what are you gonna do? Cheat on me with your coworker?"
I gave him a look as I grab my keys, "no but even if i did I'd be sure to leave the messages where you could find them so you would know."
As I walk out the door I hear a slam.
He probably threw something at me.
When I get to work I have a co-worker that likes to be called Cheese, and he's honestly really cool. He always helps me lift heavy things since I am pregnant and he makes sure I don't over do it for myself. If I get hungry, he gets me food and gives me a chair to sit in so I can sit and eat.
This morning he noticed something was off so I told him what had happened,
"Did you call the cops," he asks as he looks at my neck, "Jessie there's a cut on your throat, you need to tell someone"
"I can't I'm scared if I tell someone they won't have much to go on and he'll kill me, I'm planning on going home to my grandparents, he's going to want to follow but I know that they'll ask him to work and then he'll flee. It'll be fine."
Cheese nods a little then hugs me, "I'm going to keep in contact with you I'll put my name as a female name I want to make sure you're safe."
I sigh a little bit, Miguel wouldn't even hesitate right now... he'd have had Dick's head on a silver platter if he saw a mark on me. I shake my head then I get back to work.
As the weeks pass, Cheese checks up on me and the fights were getting bad with Dick.
"You're sleeping with him this guy aren't you? I read your texts"
"I'm not your fucking dude," he gets in my face the shoves me down
"Look Dick I'm not sleeping with anyone, even if I WANTED to cheat on you I don't have the time TO cheat because I'm always AT WORK."
"How do I know huh? You could fuck him on your break!"
"Because I sleep on my break because you never allow me to sleep at home. You want to try and fuck me while I sleep because for some reason you think it's hot when my body isn't responding or when I wake up and beg for you to just stop."
"Don't shame me," he looks at me offended.
"You literally LIKE raping me dude. It's fucked up."
"So?! It's hot. I like hearing you beg for me to stop."
I have to get out of here.
"Dude majority of the time I'm not even awake to do so, so you just think necrophilia is hot."
He shifts and I can see him getting turned on.
"You're fucking disgusting don't fucking touch me."
I walk past him and grab my keys.
"Where are you going?"
"I don't know away from you though."
I get in my car and I drive to the mall down the street and park in the parking lot. It's supposed to get down to 12 degrees tonight and I don't have a blanket... I have to go back at some point but I just want some sleep...
I close my eyes and take a short nap before being woken up from being too cold. I start the car and let the heater run so it'll warm me up as I shiver.
I just want this to be over with... I wish I was with Miguel I wish life would fast forward so I could be where things are better.
I sigh when the car warms up because I know I have to go home to my apartment. When I get to my apartment, Dick is gone
I lock the apartment door because he doesn't have his key and then I go lay in the bed to get warmer.
Maybe he went home... for good. Maybe I can go to my grandparents house and maybe I can actually sleep.
I don't know how long I was asleep but when I wake up I hear a thud.
I sit up and look at the door and Dick is standing there. I look at the time and I realize I needed to go to work. I get up and grab my keys and as I am about to walk past him, he starts talking, "you didn't come look for me."
"You don't care about me?"
"I was just happy to finally get some goddamn sleep ok? I know you're a big boy you can handle yourself."
He grabs my hair when I walk past and he pulls me back.
"I'm not done."
I glare at him, "I would like to try and go to work."
He smirks a little, "I want head."
"That's great, I want to be able to have a roof over my head."
I shove his hands off me then I walk outside to find my car is gone.
As I pace back and forth to try and figure things out,  I call the dealership and ask them where the car is and they give me a number to call. When I call to confirm it's there I call an Uber and get my things from the car then I take an Uber back.
"So what're we gonna do?"
"We," I look at him shocked, "what do you mean "we"?"
"You're carrying my baby I have to go with you."
I can't have... I can't have this argument and I can't risk getting hit or killed right now.
"I'm going home. To Texas. My grandparents are helping me."

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