
"What are you doing?" Justin looks at me weird. "Packing my stuff?" I return his look.

"We leave Monday" 

"Yeah and it's Saturday"

"So you have enough time tomorrow"

"I don't want to spend the last day worrying about forgetting half of my stuff"

"I'm doing it tomorrow and I don't worry about that" He says like he's almost proud.

"But you should" he always forgets something.


"Remember when you forgot half of the things last year?" I look at him.

"It wasn't my fault" he tries to argue.

"Of course it wasn't" I chuckle.

"Should I help you?" I offer.

"I mean why not" he gives in.

This is going to be exhausting. The boys have their clothes all over the place. I'm really glad that I can tell my clothes apart from theirs.

"Maybe we get Paul and Tyler too so you know what's yours and what isn't" I suggest after looking around the tent.

"I'll get them" he agrees and goes out of the tent.

Some minutes later Tyler and Paul get in the tent, being dripping wet, probably from the lake.

"Do you have any brain cells? Come back when you two are dry and not wetting the whole tent." I send them out.

"Sorry" Tyler chuckles and shakes his head so the water from his hair splashes me. "You're getting that back" I say in a singsong tone when they exit the tent.

Until they came back I had everything packed and actually started to help Justin who was on his phone the whole time I packed my stuff.

"Oh what a surprise I thought you would never come back" I smile sarcastic. "We just had a conversation with Theo" I wide my eyes.

"Why?" I really try to sound calm. Why do they sound so serious? Why did they talk to him? Did he tell them?

"Oh my god chill it was a joke" Paul laughs. "You act like we just found out about your biggest secret" Tyler laughs too.

Not my biggest but definitely a secret. "It was just intimidating how you sounded so serious" I excuse my reaction.

"So I heard we're packing" Tyler rubs his hand and sits down next to me. "You not me, I'm just helping a bit" I correct him. I always have to help them.

"Okay" he responds but doesn't begin. "Well...let's go" I raise my brows. "Right" he stands up again and starts to collect clothes that are probably his.

Paul and Justin do the same. I lean back and go on my phone, definitely not watching them clean up our tent.

I scroll through Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter and help the boys fold the one ore other clothing.

When I start to get a bit bored I text Theo who said he's going to pack his stuff too.


How far are you with packing?

Not far, Caleb keeps taking my clothes, you?

I'm done :)

I could use some help

Isn't Liv there? She said she would help because she's already done like me.

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