Realizing he had been staring at the boy with stunningly gorgeous green eyes for who knows how long, Nathaniel stammers out a response, "I-I was just lo-looking around. Saw the place," he shrugged, not sure what else to do. "Like the whole 'goth vibe' going on."

The boy laughed, and Nathaniel was certain that his face is the same color as his hair right now. "Thanks, my moms came up with the whole thing when we moved. They have sort of a thing for darkness, the macabre, anything that involves the color black," he droned.

"Not you, though," Nathaniel attempted to joke. "T-the rainbow shirt," he pointed out when the boy didn't laugh like he was hoping.

"You know how parents worry about their kids going through a goth or emo phase?" The redhead nods. "Well, this," he gestures to his clothes. "is the phase they're worried about." That time he laughed, making Nathaniel smile and chuckle a bit. He holds out his hand, "I'm Marc."

Nathaniel eagerly took his hand and shook it. "I'm Nathaniel."

"So..." Marc trailed off as he took a menu out of the skull vase. "Want to hear about our special?"

"I think I'm looking at it," the redhead smiled before realizing what he said. "Oh, was that smooth?"

Marc cringed a bit. "You kinda ruined it by talking about it." Sensing the other boy's embarrassment, he rested a hand on his shoulder. "You're still cute, though."

At that, Nathaniel felt like he was floating on air, like they were the only two people in the diner. He wished this moment could last forever so he could keep staring into those beautiful emerald green eyes...


... Someone has to ruin it. Marc rolled his eyes before turning to two women. One is a brunette with green eyes the same color as Marc's, the other is a noirette with almost silver eyes. Both are dressed to match the restaurant's aesthetic with the brunette wearing a knee-length red dress with black mesh sleeves that have red bats embroidered on each one, and black ankle-length boots. The noirette is in a dark red vest over a black collared shirt with matching dress pants and shoes.

'Marc's moms,' Nathaniel thought to himself. And he wasn't exaggerating, they really do prefer the gothic lifestyle. "Nathaniel, these are my mothers, Penny," he gestures to the brunette, then the noirette, "and Alyssa."

"You didn't tell me we had a special visitor," Alyssa said as she pulled her son off to the side and began to circle around Nathaniel like a hungry shark. "Dear boy, aren't you the young man who works at Melamed's Meals?" She practically hissed.

"Oh, I got a sandwich there last week," Penny mentioned. "Yeah, I was on a rather bland diet and you guys really got me through it."

The redhead couldn't tell if they were naturally like this or just being overprotective of their son. Not wanting to seem rude, he responded, "Thank you. I'm Nathaniel Kurtzberg..." He trailed off when he notices just how sharp the brunette woman's canines are. To not seem suspicious and to retaliate for the comment she made about his family's cooking, he said, "Oh, and those are lovely outfits. I've always thought people should get dressed up to make sandwiches."

"Insincere compliments," Alyssa chuckled while the other woman looks offended. "Well, I see the game is afoot."

"'Insincere,'" huh?" Penny scoffed. "I knew you didn't like this dress."

Alyssa stammered a bit, trying to look for a way to backtrack what she said until she remembered Nathaniel and how infatuated he seemed by her own son. "Marc, this boy is here to spy on our establishment."

"He's not spying, mom," Marc said with sort of a blissful smile. "He's really nice."

Alyssa waved him off in dismissal and fixed her gaze on Nathaniel. "I'm afraid, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, that I'm going to have to ask you to leave. If don't, the consequences will be most horrible," She throws her hands up in a dramatic fashion. "and permanent!"

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now