Accidents and Awkwardness | 5

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Matt awoke from the ambience of the boiling rain outside, absolutely drained from yesterday. He had felt Gus rest next to him last night which he couldn't help but kiss him back (which he hoped he hadn't noticed). "Does Gus really like me? No, he can't. He has anyone but me to choose from, especially since I'm a boy," he whispered to himself, letting his mind control his speech.

Matt gazed down, feeling a light pressure on his chest. His arms were comfortably wrapped around Gus, who had his face in Matt's chest. "AH!" Matt accidentally screamed out. Gus jumped from his sleep, cocking his head, confused on what the titan was going on. He then looked down at his position, realising Matt had his arms around his waist.

"OH MY- I, UM...SO SORRY!" He blurted out, turning light pink like Matt already was. "No, no! It was my fault, sorry. I shouldn't have done that; that was stupid of me...sorry," Matt apologised, gazing into Gus's eyes. "No! It was my fault, I was the one who slept ne-y'know what, let's get breakfast," Gus said trying to avert the whole conversation.

They both awkwardly stood up and head over to the kitchen, taking a few boxes of cereal and some conveniently cooked pancakes on the counter. The two sat at the table, devouring away (especially Matt), taking few glances at each other whilst the other wasn't looking.

Gus focused on Matt, who was casually on his scroll whilst snacking away. He had only realised how cute and messy Matt looked today, hoodie partially off revealing half of his shoulder and his hair untidily ruffled. Matt noticed Gus's gaze towards his exposed shoulder. "You like something you see?" Gus hastily looked away, half flustered, half embarrassed.

"Wha-no, of course not! I mean, not like that, you're cute. I MEAN," he broke out. Matt's eyes were wide open at his sudden comments. "I, er- forgot something upstairs, be right back," he unconvincingly lied, his pink face saying otherwise.

Matt waited there, bewildered at what just happened. "He called me cute. Gus called me cute. Does me?" The raindrops tapped and hissed louder against the window, as if it was adding to the already awkward atmosphere.

Gus silently sprinted up the stairs to his bedroom, face full of blush and sweat dripping down. He cuddled his legs against a corner, face in knees, faintly gazing at the fierce boiling storm outside. "I've ruined it, he knows now. He probably hates me. What if he's homophobic?" Gus cried, small tears dripping down to his legs and feet.

"Gus, are you alright? What's wrong buddy?" His dad poked around the corner, wearing a formal attire meaning he was leaving soon. Gus forced his head deeper into his knees, just wanting peace and some quiet time. "I know you want to be alone right now, but I can't bear you like this. You can trust me," his dad softly whispered, eyes filled with concern.

How do I start this? "It's not really that serious, I just called Matt cute and..." he burst out in tears, hugging his dad. "What if he doesn't like me? What if he tells everyone? What if my long time crush hates me?"

"Gus, please, look at me," his dad replied with a serious look. Gus stared up at him, reassured by his comforting eyes. "I promise he likes you. I mean, look at him, he kissed you last night."

Gus suddenly opened his eyes wide. "Wait, what?" he exclaimed, slightly blushing at the thought. "Sorry, I went to check on you guys last night and well...anyways, he likes you, ok? He has a kind heart, especially towards you, and I promise he likes you just the same."

Gus parted away from his dad's comforting hug, unsure yet blushing at what his dad just said. I promise he likes you just the same. "Thanks, Dad," he said, hugging his dad one more time before quickly running off.

•~ Matt's POV •~

Gus called me cute. Gus called me cute. He called me cute. The same phrase repeating in my head, almost as if that's all it wanted to think.

The storm outside thundered louder, portraying the mood inside. "Matt, you still there?" I heard a familiar voice call out. Gus skidded across the floor, looking towards me. I couldn't help but notice his eyes and ears had grew redder, a tear trail slightly visible across his face.

"Course I am, are you okay? You seem a bit...upset," I replied.

"I-um, look...can we pretend I didn't call you cute. I was, er...joking," he stumbled out. My heart fell and broke into pieces. He didn't...mean it? I held in heavy tears, avoiding Gus's eyes. ", that's o-ok."

I stared back at him, hoping my eyes wouldn't start absolutely bawling out. Gus for some reason looked...disappoint almost, as if I'd said something wrong.

I slowly got up and started packing somewhat of my clothes, ready to leave in case this got any more awkward. "Oh, you, already?" Gus questioned, noticeably sad.

"Yeah, I-uh, have lots of things to do at home...y'know?"

"Oh..ok. See you soon?"

"See you soon." I confirmed, adding it with a little air kiss. WAIT, WHAT. Gus looked at me, bewildered and flustered. I quickly ran out the door, avoiding anymore awkwardness. "I just air kissed him, he definitely kno-THINKS I'm gay now," I frowned to myself.

With my light bag on my back, I continued my stroll across Bonesborough. I hadn't actually thought where to go, since I wasn't intending on leaving and I did not want to go to my parents house. The library seemed a good option to get my head out of the clouds so I carefully headed towards it.

The place was easily noticeable due to it's scale and recognisable red brick walls. Despite not being the best reader (and also being slightly dyslexic), I still took a book about romance and sat in a corner. One thing I hadn't realised was this book was gay, which really didn't help prove my point that I'm straight.

Reading was really peaceful, and although I struggled on a few pages, I decided reading wasn't as bad as I'd initially thought. The boiling rain roared louder outside, meaning I had to stay indoors for a bit. After reading halfway through my book, I closed it and wondered endlessly across the everlasting hallways and shelves.

Suddenly, my scroll vibrated. A message popped up, which I realised was from Gus.

Gus 🌸
matt, i know this is probably really sudden but Luz invited me over to her place tonight and wanted to know if ur coming?

I looked at the text, and hesitated before typing.

sure! im free tonight, ill come over :)

I turned off my scroll and looked out into the rain. I just left Gus a few hours ago and know I'm going back with him? Life keeps getting better, wait,'s not. Your not obsessed with Gus, be quiet brain.

After finishing (or at least halfway through finishing) the last couple of books, I left the library and got ready for tonight.

A/N (recommend reading but you don't have to!) ~

I've got ideas for next chapter and the next, so don't worry I'm not quitting this book anytime soon (unless if I suddenly lose motivation or mental health goes weee). Fluff will be in next chapter, and Luz might found out a bit about our love birds.

I try to post on weekends, obviously I can never guarantee but I certainly try! Also, holidays are coming up meaning I can focus on this story more!

Love youse, stay safe, don't let the...straights bite? And remember make sure your mental health is alright babes.

[Words: 1318]

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