Chapter 4

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I started hyperventilating. "Oh he childe, dont worry" said obama. "You fine bish" he said.

"Uhmmmm, sorry i just, you are my fave influencer, can i plsssssss be in your next video🥺" i said, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. "Awww look at this sweet lil bish, of course you can, whodya wanna prank?"

I looked around, and around and around. Then i finally spotted my perfect victim. It was the gryffindor who i had made the potion explode on the first day of school. "That guy!" I told obama."okay gurlie, what shall do to him?" He asked. "Lets snatch his stupid cheap ass iphone 6 and throw it around until it breaks into dust!" I said. I was so excited, to finally get revenge, even tho he had not done anything to me.

"Hey biyotch." I said, walking up to him. 

"Not you again!" He said scaredly." What are you gonna do to me this time?" 

"Oh, this time, its not only me." I smirked. "obby, come here" i said, and obama came naruto running towards the kid and snatched his iphone 6. He threw it to me from 1 km, and i purposefully dropped it, so it would break. "NO!" The kid said. "My mom had to sell the house to buy that!" Then i stepped on the phone until it broke, and threw it to obama. This continued for the next hour, until the phone had turned to a complete pile of dust.

The boy was lying on the floor, having a panic attack, but i didnt care. Poor people did not deserve anything. I walked up to obama. "Perfect lil bishy, i got that all on camera!" He said. "Perfect!!!" I squealed. "Make sure to credit me when the video blows up!" "I will bish, i will never forget you." He said and teleported home. 

We stayed at the theme park, enjoying our hearts out for the next 5 hours, until draco walked up to me. "Hey renusi, moeder says we have to go home." "But whyyyyy!" I cried. "The fun had just started!" 

"Because, we have to get ready for halloween shopping tomorrow, and you know how seriously our family takes this."

OH.MY.GOD. I had totally forgotten about halloween. Tomorrow was the 29th of october. We would spend the whole day halloween shopping, the 30th setting it all up, and celebrate halloween. 

Tomorrow was sure going to be a big day.

Authors note

What will happen at halloween shopping? I am currently ordering stuff from amazon for christmas, because i am in taiwan, and it takes around a month for everything to get here. But see you next chapter!🥰😀✨

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