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Kuroo's POV

"Do it now!" I whisper shouted as we both, me and Lev hid behind the curtains. I pushed Lev from behind the curtains and into the spotlight, making the crowd get quiet.

I looked down at the microphone that I was holding and quickly called his name. "Lev! Catch!" I whisper shouted, making him look over to me. I tossed him the microphone and he just barely caught it.

"OKAY! I caught it!" He sighed into the mic, making everyone laugh. "UH...Wait, oh YEAH! Um...I have an announcement to make, it's really important, I think." He nervously laughed. I gave him a thumbs up and he continued.

"I have a message for Yaku..as in Morisuke Yaku." He smiled. I peeked around the curtain at Yaku as he cringed yet smiled at the taller man.

"Uh..Yaku, you've been my scolding buddy for a while now and honestly, I'm not ready to see you go." Lev smiled, making Yaku laugh a little.

"You always found something to yell at me for, even when it was the brightest days. Surprisingly, I was fine with it." Lev laughed. I watched with a small smile on my face.

"No, mom, It's not a kink." He eye rolled, making the audience laugh. Yaku laughed along with them as a tear fell down his face.

"Wow, I never knew I had it in me to make you cry but hey, it's chill. Um..honestly, you are my favorite person right now and if not right now then forever." Lev smiled, constantly looking up at the ceiling.

"As you can see, the pollution in this place is messing with me." He laughed, quickly wiping a tear from his face.

"I wanted to tell you something for a while now and it finally hit me when you walked across that stage. Morisuke Yaku, I like you, a lot actually. and it's not because you yell at me and I might have a kink for it but," The audience laughed as Yaku covered his mouth as more tears fell down his face.

Lev wiped the tears that fell in a fast pace down his face as he continued. "It's because you are the best thing that has happened to me. Morisuke Yaku, not meaning to take this a bit to far but, I love you." Lev smiled.

Yaku covered his face as the Volleyball team members all cheered. Lev smiled as he watched Yaku, waiting for an answer. Yaku looked back at Lev and nodded. "I love you too." He just barely got out, through his tears.

The audience cheered as Lev ran down from the stage and met Yaku halfway, hugging him tightly. I smiled as I founded Kenma in the back beside Kaede, smiling down at them.

Kaede whispered something in Kenma's ear, making him frown. I continued to watch as Kaede gathered their things. In a quickened pace, I walked down to where they were, bumping into Kenma lightly.

"K-Kuro." He mumbled, looking up at me.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked, looking between him and Kaede. Kenma opened his mouth but closed it soon after, letting Kaede do the talking.

"Our mother is being released today, we have to leave early for the closing of the case." Kaede mumbled.

I frowned and looked down at Kenma as he watched the floor. "Oh..sorry, I forgot about that. Do you want me to come with you guys?" I asked, grabbing Kenma's hand, making him look up at me.

"Oh, no. It's okay, you can come over some other time, if you can that is." Kaede mumbled, grabbing Kenma's hand.

"Oh...well, I'll text you, Kenma. I love you." I smiled. He smiled back at me before nodding.

"I love you too." He smiled, as Kaede and him walked out of the room.

I sighed and turned back around, pushing pass the people who had been leaving early.

"Oh, where did Kenma and that other guy go?" Kai asked, holding flowers he had been gifted by his mother.

"They are going to handle some stuff about his mother, she is coming back today." I mumbled, putting my hands in my pocket.

"Oh...dang it, I wish I could've came along then." Yaku mumbled, from his seat.

"They said that we didn't need to anyway..I'll give Kenma a call later." I mumbled.

They all nodded as I sat down beside Lev, laughing along with them.

Kenma's POV

I sat as the car came to a stop. "So, we're going to drop by at the house, do you wanna stay there while I get mom and take her over to the old house?" He asked.

"Old house?" I frowned, looking over to him.

"The house we were in before she had you." He mumbled, glancing at me before driving when the light went green.

"Oh, uh...I-" I wanted to see her but I was scared. Really scared.

"Umm-I'll go." I mumbled, hugging my arms as I looked back out of the window.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yup...I'm sure." I lied, glancing at my reflection through the window.

I sat in the car by myself, waiting on Kaede to come walking back with my mother.

I continued to tell myself that Kuroo was right, that she wouldn't put her hands on me ever again, that she learned.

But, something in me knew that that would be nearly impossible. I pick up my phone, looking at Kuroo's contact number.

I can easily call him now..but why does it feel so weird?

Is it because he's leaving in a week? Is it because I know that he won't be by my side forever?


But, what's stopping me now?

Oh...I know. It's because I know that he's out there, having fun with our team for the last time, before he has to go.

I don't wanna ruin his night, he should be having fun with his friends.

Our friends..I mean..

The door opened, making me freeze up. "Yeah, just get in the back." I heard Kaede mumble as he got in the car.

The sound of another door behind me close made me flinch.

I'm not ready for this...

A Heart of Truth (Book 2 in the Heart of Series)Where stories live. Discover now