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Kenma's POV

I sighed as I sat my bag down on my bed, finally getting home.

"It shouldn't have took me that long to get home, honestly." I mumbled to myself, laying down.

"Kuro..." I hummed, closing my eyes.

"Yes?" I heard some answer. I quickly sat up and looked behind me, at the window in fear.

I sighed in relief as I looked at Kuroo who had been watching me through the window.

"Don't do that." I mumbled, turning back around. He sighed and attempted to lift the window a bit higher for him to climb through but he couldn't.

"Help me.." He chuckled, giving up. I sighed and got up from my bed, opening the window more.

He slowly climbed in and sighed when he finally put both feet on the floor. "I left my shoes outside." He mumbled, as I sat down on the floor in front of the bed.

I ignored him and stared at the white wall in front of me. He sighed and sat beside me.

"Kenmaaa..." He whined, leaning on my shoulder. I looked further away from him, towards my desk.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude. I had a lot on my mind and I took it out on you." He sighed.

"What were you even thinking about..?" I whispered, still not looking over to him.

"I accidentally read your messages with your brother..." He whispered. I quickly looked over at him as he stared back at me.

"Kuroo...I wanted to tell you but, I wanted to do something myself for once...since, you'll be leaving soon.." I whispered, looking down at my hands.

I felt his eyes as they remained on me. "Kenma...I'll still be with you, whether I'm in state or not.." He whispered.

I slowly looked up at him and smiled, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"It still won't be the same." I whispered, feeling a warm sensation run down my face.

He sadly smiled and caressed my cheek, not forgetting to wipe my tear. He stared at me for a while before gently connecting our lips.

Kuroo's POV

I knew I couldn't do anything to make Kenma feel better, because in the end...he was right about one thing for sure...

Me calling him from across the sea won't be the same thing as how we are now...

I knew that for sure and I also knew that I wasn't able to keep all of the promises before.

But, I didn't want to let that separate us, even if there was a risk that it could possibly do as such.

I smile into our kiss and finally pull back. He gave me a small smile and I kissed his forehead gently, holding him close to me.

"I love you so much." I whispered, as he rested his head on my shoulder. I gave him another small kiss on the head as he hummed to himself.

"I love you too, Kuro." He finally mumbled, playing with my fingers that rested on his leg.

I caressed his hair, humming to a random song that came to mind.

"Are you excited about your mom?" I suddenly asked, making him stop for a moment.

He sat up and frowned. "I...I don't really know..It just feels...empty? I don't know how to explain it, I want to see her...but...I don't want to lose you..?" He whispered.

A Heart of Truth (Book 2 in the Heart of Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant