World Between Worlds

Start from the beginning

He stayed in that chair drinking water slowly until his body signaled, he was properly hydrated. The need to urinate got him to stand and direct the stream at the medical tank. This even was a lot of effort but his muscles only barely complained. Sitting back down he used his feet and the Force to inspect several of the crates. Most were completely filled with empty concentrated food paste containers. He moved from one crate to the next and found a dead droid next to one of the crates that looked to be recently opened. Scanning the droid, he saw the main power converter had failed disabling the droid. He scowled at the canisters, but food was food, and he was regretting the removal of the feeding tube.

Several hours later he had forced down the concentrate and meditated off and on. Further exploration revealed the next room was filled with more equipment that screamed that the patient was no longer being monitored. Using the Force, he shut off all the alarms and found that he had been in this state for years. From the number of crates that were empty he was sure nearly a decade had gone by. Though as he went over the data files, he found that none of the were dated. The code in place of the date was scrambled either due to a programming glitch or intentional. This began several days of healing meditation, walking, and eating. He found a few ration bars, but even after seven days his stomach could not hold them down.

His attempts to reach out with the Force was met with a barrier somewhere around him. He could draw on the Force without issue, but he could sense no one for some distance. He could pick out others, but they felt very distant and without the Force, normal beings. He just could not feel a single Jedi or Sith near him. The small medical lab was inside of an even bigger warehouse. Slowly he came into contact with crates that held robes, pants, and tunics of the Jedi. Once he found under garments, he quick found what fit him before all this and something that he could wear now. He gathered enough outfits to bridge the gap as he would fill back out.

This brought him to the large entry doors that from this side were sealed shut. He was not so concerned with leaving as the amount of dust showed that someone was not going to be opening those doors any time soon. It worried him that where he was that no one knew. Had he succeeded too well? Did Malak go too far and kill everyone off or was he just in an abandoned temple? He could feel the light side of the Force strongly but it felt as if it was moving to a more neutral feeling in the Force. He had to stop himself from raging every hour or so as his need to heal and restore his muscle would only stop. The dark side ate at you and he could not afford to use its power. Not before he was ready not before he could channel it to maintain his balance.

So more and more he channeled nothing but the light side of the Force. Once he could run a hundred laps would he feel he was physically ready to leave this place. It would have done him no good to leave in such a weakened state. Plus, he had found much more than clothing. Uncut armorweave, standard utility belt items, some basic combat shields, and many other parts that would allow him to assemble several lightsabers or other equipment. Finding the blaster pistols was one of the better finds. Sadly, it must have been someone personal items as it was the first of dozens of boxes. He could feel that these beings would no longer need the items as they felt as if the owner had died.

After a count of sixty days and several failed attempts to get the droid to function he finally looked to the large freight door to leave. He still did not any lightsabers, but all he needed was the Khyber. Another thing he had not found was a single face razor or pair of scissors. Even the pattern cutter had no usable blades in it. The medical section lacked any field medical kits that would have such blades. His usual last resort was not available either so he just combed and brushed it until it was all loose. This had been meditative and using the Force to braid it all was as well. The few mirror like surfaces hid the scars that having the breath mask on too long had caused. It would take months or a good healer to cut them out so they could heal properly.

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