Is Heather my sister? Part one.

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Hiccup P.O.V

-Dad... Is Heather my sister? 

-Hiccup. I have to tell you something. - Oh no. - Yes, Heather is your sister. Your twin sister to be exact. And Dagur is your brother too.


-Wait Hiccup, let me finish, please?

I'm really frustrated, how could he keep this from me? From us, for 19 whole years?


-You and Heather arrived very early in the world. And at the time, we were at war with the Berserkers. - He couldn't be saying that. - Oswald offered a truce. A thing you do not know, is that Valhalharama, your mother, and I could not have a child. 

-That means you couldn't have a heir, is that right?

-Yes. Things being like this, Oswald offered a truce. His newborn son. At first Val saw you, she didn't believe you could make it, to climate of Berk, and the trip. But I always believed you were strong, and you proved it right. I knew Hiccup, you weren't my blood. But as I saw your eyes, they remembered me so much of Valka, and when she was taken by that dragon, I couldn't bear to lose you too. Since the beginning, I loved as my own blood, as my own son.

- I- I don't know what to think, or what to say. My whole life, literally, I didn't know any family apart from you, and this is too much. What about Heather? What happened to her? How did she end up separated from her blood family?

-That I do not know. But Hiccup, son. You need to tell this to Heather too. She deserves to know. She needs to know that she isn't all alone.

-I know, dad. - I say as I smile. - I need to go now. - I hesitate - Does... Dagur knows that? Since I can remember he always called me brother.

- He was about 10 when it all happened. Maybe.

-I see. I'll... see you soon?

- Yeah... good luck in the great beyond, Hiccup

- Thanks.

Third person p.o.v

As Hiccup gets back to the Edge, he sees that no one is there

-Heather? Guys? Where did everyone go? - Toothless shows him a map in the wall that has a ship armada marked on it - Huh? Oh no.

' In open sea '

Dragons! Incoming! - Dagur's men say as they spot Hookfang, Snotlout, Meatlug and Fishlegs above the sky.

-Prepare the grappling hooks! Ready the chains! It's hunting season.

- Ah. To high to hit anything! - Snotlout says as he and Hookfang try to shoot Dagur ships repeatedly and misses.

 - We're supposed to divert Dagur's attention and stay high enough to avoid his weaponry.

Snotlout: We got to get lower! I can't-- - Suddenly a grappling hook nearly misses Snotlout and Hookfang - I said higher! Hookfang, higher!

-What are they doing up there? - Dagur says as he watches them in the sky, but always missing the ships.


-Nice surprise face. Yes.

-What the... - Dagur gets intrigued as he hears a thud in the back of the ship. -  What is going on? Oh, come on, already! Oh no! What are you doing? You two? - Dagur says as he tackled to the ground and tied.

-Surprise, Dagur. - Heather says as she point hers double axe to Dagur

-Two axes are better than one.

-And twelve ships trumps two axes. - Stormfly and Windshear growls and hisses-  I should've seen that coming.

-Windshear, finish it!

-No, Heather, don't! You promised us a capture mission.

-Sorry, Astrid. I changed my mind. Dagur didn't "capture" my village. So this ends here.

-If you kill me, Heather, you'll never know--

-Save it for the gods. Windshear!

-Stop! Heather, stop. - Hiccup suddenly tells as he jumps from Toothless to the ship.

-Move, Hiccup.

-You don't understand. - Hiccup says as he puts his hand in Heather's shoulder, but she pulls away.

-You promised me there would be another time, and this is it!

-Look. You told me your father gave you this.

-He did, but what are you doing?

-This is my father's Chief Seal.

-Stoick's steal is carved in my horn? What are you saying?

-I'm saying years ago, Stoick gave this horn to the Chief of the Berserker tribe, Oswald the Agreeable, as a gift for his newborn daughter and son. We were that newborns, Heather. Oswald the Agreeable is your, our father. And he is also Dagur's father.

- OUR father? Hiccup you're my brother! How?

- Its really hard to explain. But you can't kill Dagur, Heather! He's our brother. 

- Astrid. - Heather says as she looks to Astrid.

- I--- Astrid is suddenly interrupted by moviment in the water. - The rest of Dagur ships. LOOK OUT!

- Heather we have to go!

- I have to admit. You never disappoint brother. - Dagur says as he frees himself from the ropes and stands up - And to think I knew it all along, and couldn't say absolutely nothing. 

- Heather come on! - Hiccup pleads as Heather is still frozen in place.

-Heather, Hiccup! I'm the only family you've got left. Join me, don't fight destiny. I know you feel the Berserker blood flowing through your veins.

Heather ignores Dagur, as she and Astrid fly past him.

What are you doing? Come back, sis! "Heather the Unhinged" has a nice ring to it, no? What about "Hiccup, the Dragon Master"? You'll be back and I will welcome you with open arms! We'll have to wait on that reunion. Pity! Huh? What? - Hiccup flies right through him and Toothless smacks his tail right on Dagur's face - I really should've seen that one coming, too.

So... Max here! I plan in doing a part 2. Someday. When I think of something. Please tell me what you guys think! It motives me to write! 

Good night and gooooood luck!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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