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Y/n's pov

I checked my phone to see that it was 4 am as I sleepily steped off my private jet to see my mother, father, and... oh there he is, my brother.

"Y/n!!!" he screamed as he ran twaords me and engulfed me in a hug.

"hey Farkle" I said cooly.

"Are you excited to go to school with me this year?" he asked me. I don't understand how a guy can have so much energy at this time of day.

"yeah, yeah" I reply " now f*ck off" "how can  anyone have this much energy at 4 am?"

"I don't know. I guess i'm just excited you're staying for the year" he says

"I'm excited too now another word from you before 2 pm tomorrow and your dead" I say somehow 10 times more tired now then I was 2  minutes ago.

"gotcha" he says. I swear to god this boy has a death wish.


I can feel someone shaking me probaly trying to wake me up so I decied to open one eye and see Farkle standing there as he says "come on you gota wake up and you can't get made at me because dad told me to wake you up" I  look over at my clock and see that it reads 11:03 am.

I groan mumble a small "shut up" before I grab one of my extra pillows and throw it at him and then turn over to the other side of my bed.

"come on sleepy head" he says grabbing my wrist and sitting me up " dad says you need to get dressed and then eat something before I introduce you to my friends so that you know some people other than myself when you start school on Monday"

"fineeee" I groan "now get out and let me get dressed" I add.

"yes mam" he says in mock salute.

After he leaves I quicklythrow on a pink top with a pair of black pants, a belt, and my white doc martens before I go brush out my hair and after at least five minutes of debate decied to leave it down.


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When I walk into the kitchen I can see my dad and brother talking but they quickly stop when they see me walk in. I grab a protien bar from the pantry and wonder where my mom is as I bit into it before I rember Farkle telling me last night despite my multiple attempts to get hime to shut up that she was leaving early this morning for some important meeting she has.

"morning sleppy head" my dad says.

I just mumble and nod my head in reasponse.

"So are you excited to meet my friends?" Farkle asks excitedly.

"Depneds" I say " are they excited to meet me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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