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y/n's pov

I was sitting on my hotel bed after a 4 hour shoot for a magazine when my phone started ringing.

Me being the normal person I was answerd the phone after seeing that the caller id was my brother. " hey y/n can I talk to you?" he asks and me being my lovley self reply with " you already are".

I can feel him rolling his eyes through the phone before he answers, very quickly might I add " I want you to take a break from modeling for the school year and go to school with me"

I don't answer imeditaly instead I just stand there in shock. I'm not sure why I was so shocked though he had made it very clear that he wanted me to do this for a long time I just was scared. I'm not quite sure what I'm so afraid of but this time I decied to face my fear and answer him with a simple "sure".

I can tell he's just as schocked as me by that answer my the temporary silence on the other end. "Great I'll see you tommorrow then?" he asks.

"see you tommorrow" I answer before hanging up.

I sigh as I fall down onto my bed before I get right back up to pack my bags before I leave for my private jet a 7 am tommorrow.

Farkle's Pov

still schocked by the fact that y/n agreed to give up modeling for a whole year I decied to go see Riley and probaly Maya too.


Once I get to Riley's apartment building I climb up the fire escape to the bay window and climb in as I say "ladys"

"Farkle" they both respond in unsion. "farkle?" Rilley asks me.

"what's up" I ask.

"What do you do when you're feeling something that feels like you're ment to feel it but you don't understand why or where it came from?" Riley asks me.

I can see Maya glare at Riley out of the corner of my eye and realise she was asking for Maya. "If it feels like that feeling belongs to you then I say It's ment to be yours" I finally answer afeter a few seconds. " you know I know someone who had a simiallar peoblem a couple years ago and I told them nearly the exact same thing" I add.

"and who is this friend that I don't think I've ever heard of?" Maya asks in attempt to change the subject.

"not friend sister" I answer.

"you have a sister since when?" Riley asks

"yeah we've been over a couple times and I don't think I've ever seen a so called sister" Maya adds.

"y/n is a model so she's always off somewhere modeling fors some magizine or clothing line. " I say. Riley looks at smyphatheticly before I add with a new big smile on my face " but she agreed to take a year off and go to school with us for the year "

"thats great!" Riley says because well she's Riley she gets exited about every good thing ever.

"how old is she?" Maya asks suddenlt in interogation mode.

"13" Irespond "our age, she's my twin"

"do you have any other secret sisters or perhaps a secret brother you'd like to tell us about" Riley asks joing Maya in interogating me.

"nope" I simply respond

"show us a picture of her" Maya says

"ok" I say as I pull up a picture of y/n and show them. I hear Maya muter something under breath that I can't make out.

Maya's Pov

"show us a picture of her" I say

ok" Farkle says pulling a picture of her up on his phone before showing us.

All I could do was muster a "wow" under my breath. This y/n girl was drop dead gorgeus and the more I looked at her the more butterflies started to form in my stomach after looking at one picture of her.

If shes was going to be in all of our classes then this was going to be a hard year espically with her being Farkles sister so I assume she'll be hanging out with us plenty.

Maybe Not so Perfect (maya hart x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now