Peter X Reader | A Long Day

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gender neutral
A Long Day







The (inanimate) clock on the wall slowly ticked down to 5 PM. It was less than thirty seconds away, but still somehow felt like an eternity in the void.

You felt like slamming your head into the table as your eyes began to burn.


Immediately slamming your laptop shut, you stuffed it into your bag, packed your things and left.

The shift was over, and all you wanted to do was nothing.

Humming quietly to himself, the large pumpkin man strolled around the outside of the barn, glancing around, not really paying attention. The sun was setting, and you should've been here hours ago. It was approaching 8 PM, and he was starting to get worried. Of course, he had complete faith in you, as you were always on your guard.

But still, there was the doubt in the back of his head.

The doubt quickly faded as the familiar headlights of your car rolled into view. He smiled a tired smile as you drove your car next to the barn, parking it in front of a hay bale. You exited your car, hands weary, and dragged yourself over to the front of the barn where he was.

He looked ready to greet you back, but noticed the tired look on your face and frowned. You at least had the effort to raise your hand in a halfhearted wave to your boyfriend. He approached you, holding your shoulders.

"Hey, (Y/N), you look tired."

No shit.

"Come on, let's go inside. You're not okay."

You could barely muster up the energy to respond, only giving a muted 'mmmm'. Peter took your bag from you, carrying it with ease as he gently guided you inside the barn. He towered over/matched/strolled below you, as any 6"8 person would in comparison to you, and you both entered the barn.

Peter took your phone from your bag, turning on the flashlight as he guided you to the fourth floor. He looked concerned at your seemingly-worsening state as your eyes drooped from fatigue. Finally stopping, he set your bag down and faced your phone up on the floor to keep the light. He crouched/You crouched down to your/his level.

(feel free to be any regular height you want.)

(fuck nevermind)

"Okay, sit down," he sighed. You did as you were told, sitting on the floor of the barn, with a vacant head and empty thoughts. He grunted, sitting down beside you. "Do you want to talk about it?"


You couldn't find the strength to talk, but persevered nonetheless.

"I-I think... work was a bit... too much, today," you heaved, slurring you words a little, stumbling over them. You could hear Peter shifting next to you.

"Alright. (Y/N), look at me."

Slowly, your head turned. He was right in front of your face. You mustered up a smile, booping his face with yours. He blinked, startled a bit, but quickly regained his senses.

"Come here."

His arms outstretched, looking at you expectantly. You gave a light smile, leaning into his embrace. His arms closed around you, covering your body in a warm hug. Your face was buried in his shoulder.

He smelt like... something. You could never figure out what exactly his scent was, but it felt familiar and nostalgic. Like firewood. It was perfect, and just the way you loved it.

You were incredibly weary, as if you were about to...


You had fallen asleep in his arms.

He held you tighter, softly kissing your forehead, rhythmically strumming his fingers on your back. Peter gently picked you up, leaving your bag on the floor, carrying you over to the haystack maze in the barn.

For an eldritch being, he sure was comforting.


also shorter
again, sorry
also no Christmas special or some shit, only bad drawing

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