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Hey loves, thank you for checking out my newest book "Rogue Hearts"!

If you're already a reader of mine you're probably thinking, "Don't you already have enough on your plate?"

Yes, yes I do. BUT I also have always wanted to try a werewolf book and when I was struck with some big inspiration, I just had to go with it. I want to do something different than what I always see in this genre. My wolves are modern and live in a city and...well, you'll just have to read to see. But I do still include some basic werewolf stuff as well as twist some of it up into my own thing. I'm really excited about this, and I hope you all enjoy it!


UPDATE - July 14th 2023

Starting today, July 14th, 2023, I am making some MAJOR edits to this book. Some characters have been removed/added/or changed. I'm also editing some of the writing and adding or removing certain scenes. The core of the story and plot will remain the same but I wanted to tweak it, fix things I thought needed fixing or change things that weren't working for the story. I love my original wolves, but some of the rogue pack has been changed too. This is because it's easier to focus on a smaller group of characters than a large one. 

All of this said, if you read this book before this date, I highly recommend you restart or else you might get lost/confused. If this is your first read, than welcome and thank you for giving this story a chance!


Also, big announcement, me and one of my closest friends, Reading_Mermaid08 will be doing a crossover with this series! That's right it's cameo time once again. Later on in the story, some vampires will be joining to help out here and there and those vampires are all her. 

If you wanna read about them, which I highly recommend you do, then jump over to Reading_Mermaid08's page and check out The Wonderclan. My wolves will be making appearances in it as well. It's a bite-worthy story, let me tell you!

 It's a bite-worthy story, let me tell you!

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Any advice, critique, or support is always welcomed and highly appreciated

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Any advice, critique, or support is always welcomed and highly appreciated. If you like what you read please leave a vote and comment!

I also post all my teasers for future chapters, books, and graphics on my Instagram and Twitter. You can find me on Instagram under @chelseakfreeauthor and on Twitter under @ckfreeauthor or simply follow the links in my bio.

And as always, I hope you enjoy the read!

xoxo- Chelsea K. Free


Basically, to anyone that doesn't like cursing, sex, or violence, this might not be the book for you. But I will include "Fire Alarm" warnings at the beginning of any smutty chapters so you can skip if you'd like or just let you naughty ones know what to look forward to. 😉


This book is protected by copyright and in no way is to be recreated or copied. Please write your own stories and not the stories of others who have worked so hard to bring their words to life.

Thanks again!💜

Thanks again!💜

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