Chapter 8

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The rest of the night, I tried to comprehend what had had just happened to me! Druig can read my thoughts, and he can speak to me through my mind too? What is this? Another episode of X-Men? I slept at my parent's house that night because I didn't want back to my apartment. After all, the Deviants are still roaming around the place. I still haven't found a way to tell my family we should flee the country before we all die in 3 days! I lay down on the guest's bed and tried to close my eyes to get a good night's rest, but of course, around 2 am I was wide awake and ready to start the day! I slowly get up from the bed and tiptoe downstairs and walk out to the balcony, where I look up at the sky. I wanted to go back to him and make sure everything was okay! But I knew the best thing for me was to stay here and continue my life here as a college student who didn't know about anything! Then I realize I forgot to text Kingo to tell him I made it back safely; I laugh a little at the thought of him trying to figure out how to work a phone. I took my phone out, and I texted him, saying, "Hey, I made it home! How is everything going over there?"

I put my phone back in my pocket, and I breathed in the cold air slowly, it burned my nose, but it felt so good! I missed this when I was away, but also, I missed the hot air burning on my skin and Druig lying next to me as we talked for hours. That night before Makkari- well, when she passed away, we talked until we passed out from being so tired. He let me talk the whole time which now I wish I learned more stuff about him, but he wanted me to tell him my life story, so I told him how I am always the shy girl who doesn't get out much, I love to hang out with my best friend Isabella, but I have other friends who I hang with. When I was five years old, my parents got me from foster care, and then they had Dean a little later in life. My parents are while, but I am a dark skin girl who has a pale brother, which is always fun to go out and see people stare. That was when I saw him as a human and not a superhero to save the world. My phone ringed, and I looked at it to see Kingo texted me back, "NOT GREAT!!! SORRY, I AM NOT YELLING; I DON" T UNDERSTAND WHY IT" S ALL CAPS!"  I laughed so hard that I snorted, and then a light came on behind me. "Hey, you can't sleep?" My mom asks behind me. I look at her. "I think it's from the jet lag, but what are you doing up?" She motions me to come inside, and I close the balcony behind me, "It was freezing in my room, so I came down to get some hot cocoa. Come sit on the couch" I nodded and sat on the couch while she was making her coffee. "You seem distance since we picked you up from the airport," She says

I sigh. "I am just tired from the school trip, but I am not trying to be distance," I say, obviously lying because I was so stressed because of everything that is happening in my life right now! She peeks her head around the corner. "I can tell when you are lying; you can tell me, anything sweetie!" She walks over, puts her coffee on the table, and sits next to me. Something wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "I am not lying, mom! I am just super tired, and I am going back to bed" I get up from the couch, but she grabs my hand roughly. "Was it a boy that is ruining your mood?" She looked curious but also something was different about her; she would never grab my hand like that! I take my hand back softly. "As I said earlier, there were no boys at all!" I smiled at her and turned to walk away. "You know I never knew Druig was such a sweetheart to everyone," She said snarly, and I turned back to her and said, "What did you just say?" My mind started to panic, knowing this was not my mother!

Author Notes 📝

How are yall liking this book so far? It's getting exciting to write, and I love every twist and turn this book takes me! There will be more Emilly and Druig moments before they get together, continuing in the second book! I hate how some books push characters together after one or two meetings, so we are taking this slow! Talk to you guys later!!!!

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