Chapter two - In the Garden

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Author's POV
It had been a few days since they received the letter.

Elizaveta was crushed that they had to leave, but she had to do it for her family.

Besides, the stay wouldn't be too long. It was about the end of June, they'd go at the beginning of July, and they'd only be there till the end of August at the latest.

Elizaveta ran around the house, packing everything she needed. It was like she was leaving in 10 minutes.

The others were also packing, slowly but surely. They weren't stressed out like her.

"Eliza my dear, take a break. You're only making yourself worse with all this panicking." Roderich said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Roderich, I wish I could, but it's all too much. I have to pack, I have to make sure everyone else is packed, and so much more!" She complained.

"Don't worry Eliza, you still have time. How about you sit down in the garden with me for a bit? I'll make you some tea." Roderich suggested.

Elizaveta nodded. She walked out into the garden while Roderich made some tea.

The garden was full of memories for Elizaveta. It was the place of some of her best memories.

It was the place Roderich proposed to her. The place her life all seemed to fall in place.

Even before and after that, they would sit in the garden and have deep, passionate conversations.

And not just them, sometimes their friends would tag along. They would give Gilbert relationship advice, help Lilli with her homework, and persuade Vash not to beat up someone.

A few minutes later, Roderich came out into the garden, holding a tray with tea on it for him and Elizaveta.

"Thank you, Roderich." She said as Roderich handed her a cup of tea.

"I'm sorry we haven't had time to chat like this recently. I've to rust been so stressed out over the house." Elizaveta said.

"Why are you apologizing? That's nothing to be sorry about. Stress is normal. And I know this is a lot for you. I can help you out whenever you need me to, you know." Roderich replied.

Eliza smiled "Thank you, Roderich." She said. "I will be needing your help around the house sooner or later."

Roderich locked eyes with her. A smile grew across his face. Eliza's smile was contagious but in a good way.

"I'm sorry if you're not comfortable talking about it, but have you ever seen the manor?" Roderich asked.

"No," Elizaveta replied. "I've seen it in pictures, but I've never actually been there. My aunt Karol lived there, and she never liked having people there. Heck, she turned cold and mysterious after her husband suddenly died."

Roderich gave a nod to show he understood. "What happened to her husband? Sickness? Accident?" Roderich questioned.

"Nobody knows, even after 40 years. He died when he was 30... he would have been 70 just last week. There was an ongoing gag that it was a curse set in him because nobody on my aunt's side liked him, but it was all probably just lies." She said.

"What did your family have against him?" He asked. Eliza thought for a second, trying to find an answer to his question. "I'm not sure. I think it was something along the lines of him being sketchy..."

Eliza pulled a picture out of her back pocket. "That's them. I know the aunt's name was Karol, but I'm unsure of her husband's name... I've heard something about it being a German name, but that's all I know." She said.

Roderich's eyes widened as he saw the picture. "Oh my god..." He mouthed. "What's wrong?" Eliza asked. "They have a striking resemblance to us, don't they?" He said.

Elizaveta stared at the picture. He was right. They looked like them. Roderich looked like the husband, and Elizaveta looked like Karol.

It was almost like a picture of them. Like a picture torn straight off their wall of memories, where they displayed many pictures of them and their families.

"Oh my goodness, you're right!" Eliza exclaimed. "If I showed this to someone, they would probably say it's a picture of us... in front of a sketchy-ass manor."

Roderich chuckled. "Maybe we'll find more pictures in the manor." He said. "Most likely. Pictures, greeting cards with family photos on them... just, collecting family photos is huge in my family." She replied.

As Eliza finished talking, they could feel a few drops of rain start to fall. It quickly became an absolute downpour. "Oh my! We'd better get inside." Roderich said as he took Eliza's hand and brought her inside.

"Soften up Roderich, whatever happened to us dancing in the rain?" She suggested. Roderich sighed, but it was a happy one. "Let's finish our tea, then we can grab our coats and do it like we used to."


Vash's POV
I sat in front of the window, reading a book. Lilli said I should try reading as a way to calm down.

Outside, the rain pattered and made everything wet. The house seemed silent. Just me, my thoughts, and the sound of the rain.

And something else. I looked behind me, and what do I see outside?

Roderich and Eliza, happily running around in the rain. And what happened next? Roderich pulled Eliza up in his arms, spun around with her, then kissed her.

And this wasn't just a simple peck. This was a long one. Was this what people do when they make out? Ew. I'm never making out with anyone. EVER.

AND THIS WENT ON FOR A GOOD FEW MINUTES. They were VERY lucky I don't have my shotgun with me.

Eventually, Roderich came inside with Elizaveta in his arms. I gave them a stare as they walked in. "Next time you make out, do it where no one sees you," I said.

Roderich turned red in the face from embarrassment. "Wait, you saw us!?" He exclaimed.

"I mean, THERE IS a window right next to me," I replied. Roderich just walked away, Elizaveta still in his arms.

Awww, a guy embarrassed because his friend watched him and his wife make out.

A perfect fucking love story and I don't want it.

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