With You (Book) - Christmas Special!!

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Christmas had slowly crept it's way to all those in the walls and the unground simply ignored the season like they've done every year. 

If no sunlight every reached them than how could Santa every find them. 

The undergrounds were dirty, dark and rotten. The people were just as bad and not even grim reaper came to collect their pitiful souls. Their bodies were simply left where they died unless it was inside a home, than they were simply dumped elsewhere as someone new claimed their home. 

They didn't have snow come falling down, covering the muddy and shit stained grounds in the pure white snow. They simply had the melted snow drip down from the lands above, melting into their pavement cracks and falling like rain on the underground. 

It was cold, always cold for them, no matter what season it was for those above and it was only ever night for them. No sun meaning no timing of the day for them but they had their own ways, their own cloaks and tried to live day and night separated even if their eyes were only use to the dark. 

But this year, something was different. 

The small little home of Levi Ackerman and Furlan Church had Mikasa with them. 

Mikasa, who had celebrated Christmas with her parents. 

It was never anything fancy, never chopping down a small tree and adding the candles or paper decorations to it. Never decorating the house or cooking anything fancy but her Father always did catch a bird for them to eat as a treat. No gifts and simply sitting around the lit fire with her mother reading a book out loud. 

But now, she had no parents to go catch that bird or read to her by the fire. 

While her family never did do peasants, they at least had each other and showed how much they loved the other by simply being together on such a special day. 

But this year, she did gain both Levi and Furlan in her life that had never once celebrated Christmas before. 

Oh, and she couldn't forget about Yan, he was the only one who did celebrate Christmas a few times when he was a child. His father always shared a beer with him on Christmas eve before singing to him on Christmas as his treat. Seemed his father was a singer, one who tried reaching the lands above but ended up forever trapped in the underground in the end.

Seemed Yan never once  celebrated charismas since his father had died that one cold winter, starvation.

But stories like that only made Mikasa more determined to make Christmas special, even if it was just this once.  

But she was still a mere child that was still learning over the rules of the underground and how to survive. She needed help if she wanted to pull this off and someone who knew how to cook, making Furlan her only option out of the three people she knew. Yan, he survived with his cooking and Levi .. well, she wanted to surprise him the most with this. 

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