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Levi sat on his sofa, a nice warm cup of hot chocolate in his hands as he lost himself to his thoughts. He spent the day with the rest of their friends in Armin small cottage (Since there was no way Levi was letting such messy brats in his own cottage and Armin was the only other brat he trusted to have a clean home) and it was just great but he was glad to be home.

The war was over, he owed his own tea shop down the road and he gained a better wheelchair that he was able to push away easier himself. He happily watched over the future generations to live with peace not war. A way to live with one another while also being strong enough to help those who need a hand.

It was nice to sit on the side lines as a bystander, even if he was still a bit famous. But he knew, just like all his still standing comrades knew that their fame would die down with each passing year. Hero are promised to live forever in history but history is always easily forgotten as time passes by for the future. 

He no longer lived in the regiment small dorm but in his own small cottage. With adopted black kitten, brought into their home and was called Tea (Mostly because his girlfriend wasn't home to stop him). He was a grown middle age adult, no longer a soldier or the captain in the survey corps, just a simple adult living a simple life.

He rather liked it. 

But a simple life still brought concerns and expectations, slight hints as well over marriage.

He didn't notice how long he was lost in his own thoughts until he felt extra weight on his side and a slight shove to his arm making him lift it before wrapping it around his favourite deadly creature who he lived with.

And no, he wasn't talking about their kitten. 

His Mikasa, the young women who he was madly in love with and never wanted to leave her side.

Screw death, the Grim Reaper tried stealing him away and had to face both disapproving Ackermans. That bastard wouldn't be trying to take either of their souls until they personally called for him .. that was for sure.

Mikasa had became someone special and important to him, the two only actually dating after the war was fully over. When they were both finally man up enough to push away their fears and confessed to one another. It was the scariest but greatest day of their lives since the other felt the same.

His Mikasa, he finally got to call her as his and let the whole world know that she belonged to him as much as he belonged to her.

But that was the problem, he thought the world knew just how blessed and happy he was with her.

Now, he was at a mini self war with himself over her and wasn't sure what to do or say without being a huge idiot if he told her.

"We've been home for an hour and you've spent more time self thinking than to cuddle me and I will get jealous before fighting you for cuddles" Her voice cut through the air making him smile over her clear hint to show her more affection. She was way more worse than their Kitten and he loved it. 

"Sorry, just lost in thought" He replied with a soft smile, turning his head to her as he tighten his arm around her while she snuggled closer.

"Pain when that happens. More annoying when I want some loving and not getting enough due to you being lost in thought. But I'll forgive you since I use to be just as bad during the war and I won over the loving battle" She goofily grinned, lifting her head slightly to meet with his gaze as he chuckled.

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