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Levi had never felt more frighten in all his life. He stood frozen, the Christmas chill no longer making him shiver. His right hand tensed under his winter blanket left over his legs while his other hand held tightly to his girlfriend who was just watching him pale and grow wide eye.

He forgot it ... the one thing he needed tonight and he forgot it.

He couldn't even send one of his soldiers to  go fetch it since all of their comrades where with their own love ones and getting ready for their own Christmas.

He was so screwed!

All of his months of planning and weeks of panicking with Armin and his other comrades trying to calm him down and giving him the needed speeches to push him forward .. all now wasted.

"Something wrong" Mikasa asked with a worried smile, giving his hand a slight squeeze making her boyfriend eyes shot towards her, growing even wider.

Levi gave a small nod as he kept eye contact with his girlfriend.

"Can you tell me?" Mikasa asked unsure, wondering if she would need to call one of their friends for back up or if she could somehow help her now freaked out boyfriend.

Her answer was given to her by Levi quickly shaking his head in horror making her give a small nod while trying to think.

"Want me to walk around and enjoy the decorations by myself while you think alone?" Mikasa offered with a soft smile, giving his hand another squeeze.

She was looking rather forward in seeing the Christmas tree that everyone worked together to decorate in celebration over their first Christmas since the war finally ended. Children, women, men and even the elderly all joined together and place one homemade decoration on the large tree they kept in the centre of the newly built town outside the walls. This was their first Christmas, most being able to be with their love ones and well those who didn't make it home was honoured in the silent pray that would be held tonight, on Christmas Eve. 

Sure, she and Levi had gone to the tree before but the last survivors of the war were the first to be allowed to place their homemade decoration on the grand tree. They were given the honour to mark the tree first before everyone else joined meaning they'd only now see it completed.

It was meant to be their special Christmas memory since tomorrow they'd be celebration his birthday instead. 

"That would be great" Levi admitted in slight shame, his breath becoming a cloud in the air showing how cold it was. Lowering his gaze as he felt guilty for ruining the one memory he knew she's been looking forward too. They even got his new wheelchair that he was able to move himself just so they could walk, well, semi walk hand in hand together around the tree. 

"I'll return for our Christmas eve walk in ten minutes. They do say that you miss some things during the first visit due to being in aww. I look forward to seeing it with you my second time" Mikasa smiled sweetly, leaning forward and giving him a quick peck and showing they'd still see the Christmas tree together. 

"Make it twenty minutes" Levi ordered while his girlfriend gave an awkward nod, trying her best to smile and hide her unease and disappoint. 

"Got it. I'll just waste twenty minutes staring in people windows while trying not to freeze to death. At lease it proves I love you" Mikasa muttered back, sticking her gloved hands back in her winter coat since the cold always got to her more then anyone else. Even if she did mostly hide such a fact during her soldier days but Levi always seemed to know. Even guilty admitted that he prayed for cold nights when she was stuck on watch so he could huddle up beside her, wrapping their capes around both their shoulders and sharing each other warmth. 

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