"And I killed her," Demetri countered.

Cecilia chuckled. "Well, aren't we a power couple," she said. It took her a sweet moment, but then she realised what her words implied. Shooting up from Demetri's chest and pushing herself up on her hands, her cheeks already reddening, she did everything to avoid looking in his eyes. "I mean, not really a couple, of course, but, obviously, as in a figure of speech. You know, like when two people who get along really-"

"Cecilia," Demetri said, effectively cutting her off.

She raised her eyes sheepishly, just in time to see and feel his hand land on her cheek, gently brushing a strand of hair over her shoulder. Her heart fluttered like a hummingbird and she could feel her legs go numb.

"Had we lived a thousand years ago I would have gone on one knee and asked you to make me the happiest man in this whole world by marrying me," Demetri said. He pushed himself up slowly, until both of them were seated, mere inches distanced from each other. His hand was still on her cheek, cool against her burning skin. "But I know the times have changed and slowed things down, so I'll ask you this, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes," she said without a moment of hesitation. She chuckled, staring into Demetri's eyes as if she was mesmerized, before pressing her mouth against his. Another firework show blasted through her body, leaving every hair standing upright and her heart filled with heat.

When Demetri's hands found her waist and pulled her up, so that she fell with her head in the pillows and broke the kiss, she let out a giggle that left her more embarrassed than the time when she'd fallen face first in the snow after tripping over empty air. She could feel the heat radiate from her cheeks and with a nervous smile, she curled her arms around his neck. Her breath got caught in her throat as she watched his dark eyes wander over her body, which was only dressed in a nightgown that left everything above the middle of her sternum bare. She pulled on his neck softly, until his eyes met hers again.

Demetri, hanging over her, brushed a wild strand behind her air, cooling down the skin of her cheek and neck. "You're beautiful, you know that?"

"Why, thank you," she said, smiling cheekily. "You're actually not too bad yourself."

Demetri hummed, an amused expression on his face. His hands left her waist and as he turned to lie on his back, he pulled her next to him until they were laying in the same position as before, her head on his chest, his arm across her shoulders.

Cecilia was grateful that he didn't go any further, because no matter how much she loved the way he was able to set her on fire with a simple hand on her middle or a kiss, it still made her nervous. Never before had she been close with a boy, not in any type of way, and she didn't mind taking it slowly. Her breath evened out again and absentmindedly, she played with the fabric of his shirt.

"Don't you think it's odd that we're soulmates?" she asked, not looking up at Demetri.

"No," he answered. She could feel from the shift of his head that he was probably looking at her. "Do you?"

"Well, if you think about it, it is a little odd," she said, closing her eyes. "I mean, say we only have one soulmate, which is a fair assumption, right? You lived a thousand years ago and imagine you hadn't been turned, or had died somewhere in the time from then till now, then you wouldn't have met your soulmate and neither would I."

Demetri was quiet for a moment, probably considering her words. The tips of his fingers still ran along the length of her arm, causing a shiver to crawl down her spine. "Yeah, you made me wait an awfully long time."

Her eyes flew open and she looked up, her arm leaning on his chest. "Are you blaming me for you being born in a time where the spinning wheel didn't even exist?"

"No, I'm blaming you for not being born at the same time," he countered, a teasing smirk on his face. "Besides, you should be grateful I survived all these hard times and horrible circumstances I've faced."

"Oh yeah, such a tough life you've had. Demetri the Casanova," she said, rolling her eyes. She enjoyed teasing him, especially now he'd finally let his guard of formality down.

"Now you're just being jealous."

"Me, jealous? Never."

"Hmm, I think I see the tips of your ears turning green already."

"I can actually see your nose growing, Pinokio."

"Pinokio?" Demetri asked, his eyebrows raised in question.

"Yeah, you know the wooden boy from Disney, whose nose grows when he lies?" Cecilia explained. Seeing that didn't ring a bell, she stared at the vampire in front of her with a look of horror. "You don't know Pinokio?"

Demetri chuckled, a deep sound that made Cecilia's heart flutter, and shook his head. "Never heard of the guy," answered. "He sounds odd... and don't tell me I'm odd."

Cecilia's words hung in the air empty and rolling her eyes, she closed her mouth again. She laid her head down on his chest once more, her breath evening out, until she was almost asleep. "You are odd."

SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW ➻ DEMETRI VOLTURIWhere stories live. Discover now