Chapter 17

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Teagan's POV

I was finally back in my old room. It smelled like my mom. I wished I wasn't here but in my room at Kyle's. It's been a month since I had seen him. The police finally gave up on the case.

Tonight I was going to a party that one of my old friends was throwing. He name was Kylie. Kylie's name reminded me so much of Kyle.

I got dressed in a tight black dress that went mid thigh and some black heels. For make up I wore eyeliner and mascara. Nothing fancy. Then I left out the door. I walked all the way to the party. It wasn't but a five minute walk.

I had arrived and was greeted by Kylie. She was so drunk. "He girl were have you been?!" Her words were a little bit slurred. "Places." I answered simply. She just shrugged and went back to the bar. I wasn't really feeling the party so I just decided to leave.

I was walking back and I heard something in the woods. I looked over and saw someone against a tree. They were looking at me. I thought I knew them or something. They then came out if the dark and I saw them clearly. It was Kyle. I ran to him and jumped in his arms. He reacted fast and hugged me back.

He finally let go and sat me on the ground. "I've missed you so much. I couldn't even sleep without you. I barely got any sleep." He spoke with soft words. He was just caressing my cheek as he spoke.

I pulled him with me. I pulled him all the way to my house. There I told him to stay outside out of sight and he nodded in agreement.

I came out 5 minutes later with some stuff I needed. Like my phone and charger. I wrote my mom a note saying:

Dear Mom,
I love you so much. You have to trust me when I say I'm okay. I'm with someone I deeply love. We've been reunited tonight. Trust me when I say that I love you and don't worry. Don't get the cops and don't come looking for me. You won't need to. I'll always be with you. In your heart. I love you.

Sincerely, Teagan <3

I then was met by Kyle outside the house and we left into the woods. We ran by trees really fast. Then we arrived at the pack house probably 10 minutes later.

I walked up to our room. It smelled like Kyle so much. I missed his scent. It was so lively. He then came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "We should go to sleep. It's already midnight." Kyle spoke softly. I nodded and undressed until I was in my underwear. I climbed under the covers and pulled them to my nose. I breathed in deeply to take in the smell and was relieved. I was relieved that I was with Kyle again.

I then felt the bed dip in and arms go around me, holding me tightly against them. I knew it was Kyle and I just snuggled into him even more. I sighed and closed my eyes. I could finally fall asleep knowing I was with Kyle again. The last thing I remember before falling into a deep sleep was Kyle whispering into my ear "I love you so much, Tee. I told you I would get you back."


Finally another chapter. I'm so sorry for abandoning you for probably a week now. I truly love you guys. You guys are amazing readers.
Shout out: The_Fangirl_Writer14




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Sincerely, alextyra_21💋

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