Chapter 11

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Kyle's POV

I woke up and decided to go visit her. I took a shower and got dressed. I decided to wear a dress shirt and some jeans. I didn't want to go with anything too dressy. Then I went downstairs and made my way to the door. And went towards the lagoon.

I got there a few minutes later. I asked Chandler where he dropped her off at and he said a cave that was next to the lagoon. So now I'm here. I look into the cave and I don't see her. Where is she? I am then tapped on the shoulder. I turn around to see.... Teagan? Am I hallucinating? I go to touch her to try and convince myself she's actually there and she is. "Hey baby. I've missed you." Teagan says. Her voice is a little different but it's still her. "I thought you were, you know." I said not wanting to say dead. "I'm right here baby." She said touching my skin. She was cold as ice. "Are you okay? Your cold." I said looking into her eyes. Her eyes weren't the same color as they always were. They were now red. Like blood red. She blinked once and her eyes changed back to their original color. What was that? I took her hand and we walked back to the house.

When we got there Jaxon was on the couch. He looked up then back down. Then back up again. He had just realized that Teagan was here. He ran up and hugged her. I growled and he stepped back. My growl was low. Why did he step back? "Your so cold. Why?" Jaxon asked. I was thinking the same. "None of your business that's what!" Teagan screamed. Then she ran out the door. Great I just got to see her now she's gone. Again. Ugh this is getting old.

Teagan's POV

I ran. I can't let them know. I'm not the same girl I was before I died. I'm different. Like different, different. I know what's wrong with me. They don't. I can't tell them. I'm not what people think I am. They can't be near me now. I'm just gonna bring them trouble. I know I ran from Kyle as soon as he saw me again but I need to go to Matt. He was my best friend before I ran away. He can help me. I need him. It's for the better that Jaxon, Kyle, Emmett, and Jason doesn't know what's wrong with me. It's better for everyone. They can't know. I had just got here. To Matt's. He is there. I can tell.

Matt's POV

I smell her. She's here. Teagan. She entered the room and her Pheromones filled every corner. She smelt so good. I just want her so badly. But I have to control myself if I was gonna gain her trust. I told her that we needed some things from the store and for her to go get them. She didn't question. She just left to the store.

Teagan's POV

I was on my way when I was stopped by a hott guy in front of me. He pushed me against the brick building I was walking beside and looked straight into my eyes. His eyes turned red. I knew he was a vampire.


Teagan's back. Yay! I thought I should bring her back now. I was always planning on bringing her back just didn't know when. Who is the vampire? Does she know him? Is she safe? What's going on with Teagan? Why did she say that she wasn't the same Teagan as before she died? Comment what you think. C'mon guys. I need comments. There are so many reads in this book. You guys comment.




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Sincerely, alextyra_21💋

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