Nagito got locked in the attic

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Dear Diary, Day 4 of living with da gang.

Today we're going to the mall for some food.

-Rantaro Amami

The Chat
Kiyotaka: Who's coming to the mall with Kirumi and me?
Tsumugi: I need some yarn so sure
Angie: Atua requests more supplies
Hajime: I'll come
Himiko: snacks plz
Kazuichi: Yeh I need some more oil
Kokichi: I-
Kirumi: no
Kokichi: huh?
Kirumi: It's your turn to clear the yard, Kokichi.
Kokichi: boooooooring! It's autumn! Why do leaves gotta be like that🙄
Shuichi: I've gotta get more books anyway
Korekiyo: Shuichi do you think you could get extra for me?
Shuichi: That's fine
Korekiyo: Thank you Shuichi
Kiyotaka: So Angie, Hajime, Kazuichi, Kirumi, Shuichi, Tsumugi and myself will go?
Nagito: 👍
Kiyotaka: Alright!

At the mall
"Kirumi, Hajime and I will buy the necessities while the rest of you get what you need plus what the others wanted, okay?" He solicited, "Sounds good." Kazuichi replied.

"So what did the others need?" Hajime asked Kirumi.
"Angie is getting art supplies and Himiko's sweets, Kazuichi needs more oil, Shuichi is getting books for Korekiyo and himself and finally Tsumugi is getting some yarn."

Back in the chat
Nagito: uhhhhh guys?
Ibuki: yeh
Nagito: I'm trapped in the attic
Fuyohiko: How the hell did you do that?
Nagito: I went up the ladder to find something Kokichi wanted but the key fell through the floorboards
Kokichi: 😂
Rantaro: where's the attic ladder?
Nagito: in the hall outside of the girl's rooms
Maki: k
Nagito: thank you, Maki
Kaito: btw Fuyohiko why didn't you ask to go for that ring you wanted?
Kokichi: ring?😳
Kaito: It's his sisters birthday next week!
Fuyohiko: I'm not going to the mall
Kaito: why?
Fuyohiko: If a fan saw me you'd all be trampled to death
Miu: too true
Chiaki: what did you need from the attic Kokichi?
Kokichi: Drugs
Kiyotaka: WHAT!!!
Rantaro: aren't you shopping?
Kiyotaka: you know I can't take my eyes off him for more than 15 minutes.
Kokichi: Drugs
Kokichi: Drugs

Kokichi changed his name

Himiko changed all my texted words to "drugs": Drugs

Himiko changed all my texted words to "drugs" changed his name

To make me give up my candy stash: Drugs
Kiyotaka: Himiko did you do that?
Himiko: yehhhhhh
Kiyotaka: Why!?
Ibuki: Candy and Entertainment
Kaito: he's gonna kick you all out
To make me give up my candy stash: K got it fixed

To make me give up my candy stash changed his name

Kokichi: luckily Chihiro could come to my rescue from that HORRID WITCH!
Himiko: I've told you I'm not a witch!
Himiko: I'm a Mage!
Kokichi: whatever helps you sleep at night🙄

Words: 444
Total: 1278

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