Chapter 8

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When Lia gets to school the next morning she sees Yeji slumped by the hedges. For a couple of seconds she wonders whether to go check on her or not, but in the end she decides to go over.

Yeji doesn't look up. "Yeji?" Lia sits down next to her. "What is wrong?"

There's a long pause. "My life." She replies. Lia gently strokes Yeji's hair.

"What is it? Just so you know I feel really bad about looking through your bag and I'm sorry."

"Its not that, although that was a very bitch move." Yeji looks up and glares at Lia, then looks back down again. "But my parents are splitting and I'm really upset." Lia carries on stroking Yeji's hair soothingly.

"It's okay~" Lia soothes, "it's gonna all be okay~" Yeji looks up again and Lia can see tears in her eyes. "Come here." Lia pulls Yeji into her arms despite Yeji's protests.

"Why are you being nice to me? I ruined everything." Yeji says into Lia's coat.

"Sellotape's a genius." Lia grins at Yeji as she looks up.

"What's Sellotape?" Yeji asks.

"It's clear tape. It doesn't even notice!!" Lia answers, but not completely truthfully.

"We'll see. Did you bring it in?" Lia opens her backpack and brings out an a4 folder. She opens it and unfolds the project they worked tirelessly on.

"Oh. My. God." Yeji says as she looks at the piece of paper. It is ripped at the edges and very creased, and has massive 'clear' tape all over it. "It doesn't look the same!!" She says but Lia only smiles.

"If you want we can waste time making another one when we still need to make a model, OR we could pretend this was the plan." She smirks.

"Yes! It's like someone's heart after it's been broken, but when they fall in love it's pieced back together again!" Yeji's eyes light up.

"Ohmigod yes!" Lia smiles. "Meet me in the library at lunch, we can work on the board then." They both get up and walk to their next classes.

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