Chapter 3

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(Three days later)

Lia walks up to Yeji and Yeji looks up. "What do you want?" She asks with obvious annoyance. "

I wanted to know if you were available tonight to work on the project. I have an idea of what we could do." Lia's face is blank. Like, COMPLETELY blank. In fact, it's almost scarily blank. She's serious, Yeji thinks with confusion, I guess there really IS a first time for everything.

"Um, yeah, I guess. You wanna do it at mine of at yours?" Yeji asks, confusion still knotted in her eyebrows.

"My parents are out having a meeting then a meal with work, so we could do it at mine." Lia says. Still no expression on her face.

"Sure, I'll come round at 5?" Yeji says, her brows still knitted with confusion.

"Yeah. Do you know my address?" Jisu asks and Yeji nods. Then she walks off.

 Lia really wants to take science A level, so she needs to do good for her GCSEs. That's why she just had a relatively-normal conversation with her mortal enemy. It wasn't even that bad. It almost made Lia consider being nicer to her. Almost.

At 5:15 on the dot, Yeji arrives at Lia's house. Lia is waiting for Yeji outside the door with her arms folded and eyes narrowed. "You're late." She holds open the door for Yeji and she walks in. "It's early for me." she says as she looks around. "Hey, you don't live life half bad." Yeji whistles as she takes in all the pristine white walls and furniture.

"Well I have rich parents. But they don't really care about me so-" Lia stops. Why was she about to ramble on about her life story to anyone, let alone YEJI? "so... yeah." She walks into the perfect kitchen, and Yeji follows.

"Would you like something to drink? Have you eaten yet?" She ask as she grabs two plates out one of the cupboards.

"Oh I haven't had dinner yet, I'll probably just get some when I get home. I don't want to spoil my appetite." Yeji pauses and Lia puts one plate back. "What do you have to drink?" Lia opens up a high-up cupboard, then looks in the fridge.

"You drink?" She asks and looks at Yeji. Yeji is confused, so Lia says, "DRINK, like, alcohol. Do you drink alcohol?" She rolls her eyes. 

"Pfft, yeah, I drink. Obviously." Yeji lies. "Ok then, wanna beer?" Lia asks as she takes one out for herself and one for Yeji. I didn't take her for the drinking type, Yeji thinks. "Uh- Oh, sure-", Yeji begins but Lia bursts into laughter and put the beers back. "Ew, beer's gross. Let's just have some smoothie." She, still laughing, gets two small glasses out and pours some murky green liquid in them.

Yeji looks disgusted, wait, no, disgusting doesn't nearly cover the emotion she's feeling, she feels repulsed, as Lia passes her a glass. "It's nicer then it looks. Trust me." She says as she takes a long swig and gulps.

"I don't know if you know, but I hate you and you hate me, so why would I trust you?" Yeji says as Lia takes another sip. "Who knows, you could've poisened my drink, or put something in it or...or- Wait Lia, stop laughing!! It's not funny!" Lia bursts into laughter again, making smoothie come out her nose. "Oh my God, ew!" Yeji cries. Lia laughs even harder and wipes her nose. "Drink it. Seriously! It's nice!!"

Yeji sighs and takes a small sip and swallows. Hmm, not too bad actually, she says to herself as she goes in for another small sip, but ends up gulping down the whole glass. "Pig." Lia says as she grabs Yeji's glass and her own and puts it in the washing up bowl. "Come on, I'll show you my room, we can work there." She pulls on Yeji's sleeve and drags her upstairs. Yeji doesn't want to leave all the food, I mean there's just SO MUCH FOOD, but she reluctantly lets Lia take her upstairs.

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