Jedi, Dearest|Agent Kallus X F! Jedi Reader|

125 3 1

Word count: 856

Warnings/disclaimers: A short ditty for kallus. Kinda like the episode where him and Zeb had to spend a night together on that cold ass moon. (I think it was a moon lol) Fluff! And my grammar.

Synopsis: After being stranded on a icey system with your enemy, You come to realize that agent kallus isn't all that bad....


The situation you found yourself in wasn't all bad, Sure you were stranded without a ship or any way to comm your friends on some deathly cold planet with someone whom previously tried killing you. But at least you managed to find some form of warmth in the depths of a cave, Keeping the cold wind off of you as you wrapped your thick Jedi robe around you. Your body heat doing little in keeping you warm though.

Shivering once more you close your eyes and try using an old Jedi trick by reaching out to kanan through the force. Though the cold was too distracting.

And of course--

“What? Are you going to meditate and make a ship appear” Kallus scuffed from where he sit defenseless in front of you in the cave, His shivers from the cold not going unnoticed by you. Especially with how his once firm and strong voice is now shaky and small.

You open your eyes, A small smile spreading on your face. “No, I'm trying to save our lives in a more sensible way” You almost laughed at his little remark. “It would help if you were quiet”

Kallus huffs, His breath falling from his lips forming into a little cloud that decapitated into the cold air around. “By the time you do that, We'll already be frozen to death” Kallus grumbled as a violent shiver shakes his body.

You sigh deeply when you realize he may be right, It was practically useless to try and reach out to kanan through the force when you were too distracted. Finding warmth should be your main priority now.

So standing up you approach kallus and sit beside him despite his scowl and weak protest. “What now? Are we supposed to snuggle for warmth?” Kallus sarcastically said with a bitter laugh. Though his face fell whenever he caught the look in your eye. “Wait--I was joking”

“Sharing body heat is the only way we will survive the night, In the morning we can go out and look for our ships we crashed and see if any of the transmitting devices on them are still functional” You explained while shrugging part of the robe you used as a blanket off so kallus could have some.

The man sighs rather dramatically before sliding closer to you and taking part of the robe to cover up with. His hip flush against yours as you both pressed against each other's sides. His body was warm, The heat rolling off him like a heater, You had no doubt he thought the same about you as he subconsciously moves closer.

You couldn't deny the way your eyes grow heavy from the exhausting fight you had pervious to your situation now, Your head falling onto Kallus' shoulder as your eyes close.

“Shouldn't someone stay up to keep watch? It's hard to tell what predators lurk around here” Kallus points out softly despite the disdain that laced his voice, No doubt due to you falling asleep on him.

You reluctantly lift your head from his shoulder and nod weakly, Pushing the desire to sleep away. “Of course, I'll take first watch” You say and are surprised by his disagreement.

“No, If you were to take first watch we'd both be dead. Your to tired, Sleep and I'll take the first watch” Kallus said surprisingly soft, All traces of his bitter demeanor and hatred for you gone.

“Are you sure?” You muttered, Looking up at him. His hazle eyes sparkling as bright as the star's in the galaxy above, You couldn't deny that kallus was a handsome man, The proximity of having him so close not helping your small crush on him blossom into something much more.

Nodding his head, Kallus offers you a small smile. “Yes, If you trust me...i will be needing my blaster back after all for in case something does try and kill us” He adds after his eyes flicker down at his blaster you kept away from him, Not trusting him before to have it.

You look down at the blaster then back up at him. Though kallus was considered the enemy, He tried killing you on multiple occasions, You felt through the force that he could be trusted. So you hesitantly pass him the blaster.

“Don't make me regret it kallus” You say with a warning tone.

“I wouldn't ever, Jedi dearest” He muttered before pulling you closer and allowing you to presume your previous position by resting your head on his shoulder. “Now rest, I'll keep you safe”

His last words he spoke made your heart flutter in your chest, His strong arms holding you tightly only proving his words to be genuine.

Maybe Agent kallus wasn't so bad after.




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